News from Western Quaker Newsletters
September-October 2009
Dear Friends,
I have three items I’d like to bring to your attention today.
I do realize that John Calvi has been traveling among Friends in California and I did not highlight those events. However, in the realm of “better late than never,” here’s what I know of his time in Oregon:
1. (From the Multnomah Meeting Bulletin, September 27)
John Calvi, released Friend from Putney VT. with a ministry in trauma healing, was our Friend in Residence at NPYM this year and will be Multnomah's and Bridge City’s Friend in Residence.
Wednesday, Sept. 30, 7:00-9:00 pm at Multnomah Meeting John will be speaking about choosing our work, caring for ourselves, and each other.
Thursday, Oct. 1, 10am - 2pm John will return to Multnomah Meeting and we'll practice gentle hands on techniques and energy work; bring brown bag lunch.
Thursday evening at West Hills Friends Church, 7pm – 9pm, John will speak on the Quaker Initiative to End Torture, and being a Welcoming Congregation.
At Multnomah Meeting & Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp
WQM will begin at the Multnomah Meetinghouse on Friday evening, October 2, then continues at Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp on Saturday & Sunday. John Calvi will be with us on Friday evening, and he will be featured in the program on Saturday.
2. Did you know that the Quaker Youth Pilgrimage, a program of Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) will be in the Pacific Northwest next summer? Young friends, ages 16-18, will arrive in Seattle on July 16 and travel together for a month. Who in your church or meeting would be right for this life-changing experience? Contact, Bill Schoder-Ehri,
or the FWCC website,, for more information.
3. John Irving Ocol, a member of the Philippines Friends Church, has alerted us to the scale of the flooding caused by Tropical Storm Ketsana. At the height of the flash floods, he wrote: "All Friends Churches in Pasig and nearby town are under flood. All members of the Friends church are affected. We are in great need. We need food, medicine, water, blanket, etc. We do not have any resources to buy all the things we need. All our properties and appliances are totally destroyed by the water. On behalf of my yearly meeting, I am asking a help from your good heart. Members of the church are praying for the help especially to us living in Pasig because we are the most affected."
The FWCC Asia West Pacific Section is accepting donations to relieve immediate need. Those wishing to contribute can do so via the Section of the Americas. Please reference "Philippines."
(This is from the FWCC, Section of the Americas, eNewsletter. If you’d like to receive it, write to
Friends may also donate through Evangelical Friends Mission: EFM, PO Box 525, Arvada CO, 80001. Note your contribution to "Emergency Fund."
In Friendship,
News of Friends Meetings and Churches
John Calvi will speak at West Hills Friends Church (Portland, OR) on the Quaker Initiative To End Torture on Thursday, October 1st. He will also discuss issues related to being a Welcoming Congregation.
Visalia Meeting (CA) is affiliating with Friends General Conference. Davis and Sacramento Meetings are also affiliated with FGC. (Pacific Yearly Meeting)
Ukiah Worship Group (CA) will host a public meeting featuring Ukiah poet and peace activist David Smith-Ferri the first week of November.
Tempe Meeting (AZ) Adult Religious Education Committee is sponsoring a five-session course, “Quakerism: The Stable Core: The Light Within.” Friends will meet on Sunday afternoons from October to April.
South Seattle Preparative Meeting (WA) will hold a “called meeting” for thoughtful consideration of monthly meeting status. A part of that meeting will be worship sharing on what it means to Friends individually to move forward to monthly meeting;
Santa Cruz Meeting (CA) held a threshing session. Friends began with the following queries: (1) In our work together as a Meeting, are we holding true to our testimonies of Simplicity & Integrity? (2) Do we, as a Meeting, keep our collective life uncluttered with things and activities, avoiding commitments beyond our collective light and strength? (3) Is the life of our Meeting so ordered that it helps us work from our spiritual center, within our light and strength?
On Sunday, September 27, Rose Drive Friends Church (Yorba Linda, CA) unveiled this year's Christmas musical. Friends interested in singing in the choir, playing in the orchestra, auditioning for a drama role, participating in the liturgical dance, helping with sound or lights, or constructing sets were to attend an organizing meeting.
Members and attenders of Redwood Forest Meeting (Santa Rosa, CA) are invited to an evening of Worship Sharing regarding the Peace Testimony of Friends, on September 29, at the Meetinghouse. Queries, drawn from Living in Virtue by Steve Smith, will be offered. A simple soup supper will be available preceding the gathering.
The Future of Meeting Committee of Redwood Forest Meeting (Santa Rosa, CA) will hold up a mirror to the meeting so Friends can have a shared and detailed understanding of who they are and what their values are, and to help Meeting discern its future. The process is expected to take approximately 18 months, after which the committee will be laid down.
Newberg Friends Church (OR) is planning monthly Adoptive Families Gathering. Friends will have a potluck with families and, following dinner, children will be excused to play, with supervised care, while parents talk together about their ideas for how best they might provide adoption support and discussion, and about how they might celebrate their children, and their children’s cultures together.
John Calvi, released Friend from Putney VT with a ministry in trauma healing, will be Friend in Residence for Multnomah and Bridge City Meetings (Portland, OR) on Wednesday, Sept. 30th. On Thursday, Oct. 1, John will return to Multnomah Meeting and Friends will practice gentle hands-on techniques and “energy work.”
Lopez Island Worship Group (WA) has asked to become a preparative meeting under the care of Bellingham Meeting. The request has been approved.
At Eastside Meeting (Bellevue, WA) concern has been raised that committees try to meet on first Sundays, but many individuals have multiple committee assignments. The clerk suggested that a person on multiple committees should contact the committee clerks and ask them to contact each other and try to find ways around the impasse of simultaneous meetings.
The Reading Group of Delta Meeting (Stockton, CA) is reading Rufus Jones’ The Luminous Trail.
Davis Meeting (CA) held a special Threshing Session about the process and plans for replacing the doors to the meeting house.
Friends at Canyon Hills Friends Church (Yorba Linda, CA) learned they can be a part of helping people in need right in their own community. Box of Love (Canning Hunger) is a great way to share God’s love by feeding those in need physically and spiritually.
Ministry and Oversight Committee of Boise Valley Meeting (ID) discussed ways of engaging young people in the life of the Meeting and also discussed the difficulties for parents attending Meeting when we have no ongoing First Day program
Bridge City Meeting (Portland, OR) will continue with intergenerational worship one Sunday per month on an every other month basis beginning in October. Children’s Program Committee will plan the theme for these Meetings for Worship with accompanying crafts or activities, and a representative from Ministry and Oversight will assist with promoting and shepherding the events.
Bellingham Meeting (WA) has approved giving financial support for a Palestinian refugee family who will be arriving in Vancouver, BC. This family of three, with a child in great need of healthcare, is solely dependent upon the private sponsorship of the Unitarians and Quakers of Vancouver for an entire year.
Beyond the Monthly Meeting/Churches
The Fall gathering of College Park Quarterly Meeting will be October 16-18 at Sierra Friends Center, Nevada City, CA with the theme "Recognizing and deepening our Quaker Faith."
Colorado Regional Meeting will be held November 6th - 8th at the YMCA of the Rockies Conference Center in Estes Park bordering Rocky Mountain National Park. This year’s theme is “Deepening Our Spiritual Life in Community” and will be led by Nancy Bieber, a member of Lancaster (PA) Monthly Meeting and a psychotherapist, spiritual director and retreat leader.
to be a time for sharing, games, considering ideas, and food (pizza and ice cream).
George Fox University and Northwest Yearly Meeting are jointly sponsoring a day-long conference to work toward abolishing sex trafficking and forced prostitution in Portland. "The New Abolitionists" conference will occur October 24, 9 a.m to 4 p.m. at George Fox University.
Several short-term missionaries are going to Rwanda as Rwanda has decreed that all school teachers be able to teach in English. EFM has begun to address the situation in Friends Schools. The five teachers who are going to Rwanda are from Northwest Yearly Meeting.
The Northwest Yearly Meeting Youthworkers Training Conference will be November 6-8 at the Hood River Inn, Hood River OR. Dr. Doreen Dodgen-Magee of Tigard Friends Church will speak to the theme, “Plugged In: Engaging the Media Culture Surrounding Youth.”
Retha McCutcheon of Northwest Yearly Meeting will lead a trip to Israel/Palestine in January 2010. Along with visits to historical sites, the group will also connect with ministries related to NWYM--including the work the Neiferts are doing in Haifa. Retha's email:
Pacific Yearly Meeting united in moving forward with hiring a Youth Program Coordinator. As part of this significant development, PYM Nominating Committee is in the process of identifying individuals to serve on a Supervisory Committee, which would implement and oversee the hiring and supervision of this employee.
Quaker Earthcare Witness will hold its Annual Meeting and Gathering in Bellingham, WA, October 8-12 with the theme, “Wisdom Stories for a Resilient Future: Bible Stories, Native Stories, Quaker Stories.” Kathy Hyzy of Multnomah Meeting and editor of Western Friend will present the keynote address.
Southern California Quarterly Meeting will be November 7-8 at Temescal Canyon. Steve Smith, Claremont Meeting will speak to the theme: "Finding Joy In Committee Work: Knitting The Meeting Together In Community" Time has been dedicated to meeting together in groups according to the committee in which Friends are called to serve, or would like to serve, in their Monthly Meetings.
Western Friend celebrated the publication of the book, Enlivened by the Spirit, at University Meeting in Seattle. The book is a compilation of nearly fifty Friends’ responses to the query, “How have you experienced God or the Divine?” with art, song, poetry, fiction, and essays.
September-October 2009
Dear Friends,
I have three items I’d like to bring to your attention today.
I do realize that John Calvi has been traveling among Friends in California and I did not highlight those events. However, in the realm of “better late than never,” here’s what I know of his time in Oregon:
1. (From the Multnomah Meeting Bulletin, September 27)
John Calvi, released Friend from Putney VT. with a ministry in trauma healing, was our Friend in Residence at NPYM this year and will be Multnomah's and Bridge City’s Friend in Residence.
Wednesday, Sept. 30, 7:00-9:00 pm at Multnomah Meeting John will be speaking about choosing our work, caring for ourselves, and each other.
Thursday, Oct. 1, 10am - 2pm John will return to Multnomah Meeting and we'll practice gentle hands on techniques and energy work; bring brown bag lunch.
Thursday evening at West Hills Friends Church, 7pm – 9pm, John will speak on the Quaker Initiative to End Torture, and being a Welcoming Congregation.
At Multnomah Meeting & Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp
WQM will begin at the Multnomah Meetinghouse on Friday evening, October 2, then continues at Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp on Saturday & Sunday. John Calvi will be with us on Friday evening, and he will be featured in the program on Saturday.
2. Did you know that the Quaker Youth Pilgrimage, a program of Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) will be in the Pacific Northwest next summer? Young friends, ages 16-18, will arrive in Seattle on July 16 and travel together for a month. Who in your church or meeting would be right for this life-changing experience? Contact, Bill Schoder-Ehri,
or the FWCC website,, for more information.
3. John Irving Ocol, a member of the Philippines Friends Church, has alerted us to the scale of the flooding caused by Tropical Storm Ketsana. At the height of the flash floods, he wrote: "All Friends Churches in Pasig and nearby town are under flood. All members of the Friends church are affected. We are in great need. We need food, medicine, water, blanket, etc. We do not have any resources to buy all the things we need. All our properties and appliances are totally destroyed by the water. On behalf of my yearly meeting, I am asking a help from your good heart. Members of the church are praying for the help especially to us living in Pasig because we are the most affected."
The FWCC Asia West Pacific Section is accepting donations to relieve immediate need. Those wishing to contribute can do so via the Section of the Americas. Please reference "Philippines."
(This is from the FWCC, Section of the Americas, eNewsletter. If you’d like to receive it, write to
Friends may also donate through Evangelical Friends Mission: EFM, PO Box 525, Arvada CO, 80001. Note your contribution to "Emergency Fund."
In Friendship,
News of Friends Meetings and Churches
John Calvi will speak at West Hills Friends Church (Portland, OR) on the Quaker Initiative To End Torture on Thursday, October 1st. He will also discuss issues related to being a Welcoming Congregation.
Visalia Meeting (CA) is affiliating with Friends General Conference. Davis and Sacramento Meetings are also affiliated with FGC. (Pacific Yearly Meeting)
Ukiah Worship Group (CA) will host a public meeting featuring Ukiah poet and peace activist David Smith-Ferri the first week of November.
Tempe Meeting (AZ) Adult Religious Education Committee is sponsoring a five-session course, “Quakerism: The Stable Core: The Light Within.” Friends will meet on Sunday afternoons from October to April.
South Seattle Preparative Meeting (WA) will hold a “called meeting” for thoughtful consideration of monthly meeting status. A part of that meeting will be worship sharing on what it means to Friends individually to move forward to monthly meeting;
Santa Cruz Meeting (CA) held a threshing session. Friends began with the following queries: (1) In our work together as a Meeting, are we holding true to our testimonies of Simplicity & Integrity? (2) Do we, as a Meeting, keep our collective life uncluttered with things and activities, avoiding commitments beyond our collective light and strength? (3) Is the life of our Meeting so ordered that it helps us work from our spiritual center, within our light and strength?
On Sunday, September 27, Rose Drive Friends Church (Yorba Linda, CA) unveiled this year's Christmas musical. Friends interested in singing in the choir, playing in the orchestra, auditioning for a drama role, participating in the liturgical dance, helping with sound or lights, or constructing sets were to attend an organizing meeting.
Members and attenders of Redwood Forest Meeting (Santa Rosa, CA) are invited to an evening of Worship Sharing regarding the Peace Testimony of Friends, on September 29, at the Meetinghouse. Queries, drawn from Living in Virtue by Steve Smith, will be offered. A simple soup supper will be available preceding the gathering.
The Future of Meeting Committee of Redwood Forest Meeting (Santa Rosa, CA) will hold up a mirror to the meeting so Friends can have a shared and detailed understanding of who they are and what their values are, and to help Meeting discern its future. The process is expected to take approximately 18 months, after which the committee will be laid down.
Newberg Friends Church (OR) is planning monthly Adoptive Families Gathering. Friends will have a potluck with families and, following dinner, children will be excused to play, with supervised care, while parents talk together about their ideas for how best they might provide adoption support and discussion, and about how they might celebrate their children, and their children’s cultures together.
John Calvi, released Friend from Putney VT with a ministry in trauma healing, will be Friend in Residence for Multnomah and Bridge City Meetings (Portland, OR) on Wednesday, Sept. 30th. On Thursday, Oct. 1, John will return to Multnomah Meeting and Friends will practice gentle hands-on techniques and “energy work.”
Lopez Island Worship Group (WA) has asked to become a preparative meeting under the care of Bellingham Meeting. The request has been approved.
At Eastside Meeting (Bellevue, WA) concern has been raised that committees try to meet on first Sundays, but many individuals have multiple committee assignments. The clerk suggested that a person on multiple committees should contact the committee clerks and ask them to contact each other and try to find ways around the impasse of simultaneous meetings.
The Reading Group of Delta Meeting (Stockton, CA) is reading Rufus Jones’ The Luminous Trail.
Davis Meeting (CA) held a special Threshing Session about the process and plans for replacing the doors to the meeting house.
Friends at Canyon Hills Friends Church (Yorba Linda, CA) learned they can be a part of helping people in need right in their own community. Box of Love (Canning Hunger) is a great way to share God’s love by feeding those in need physically and spiritually.
Ministry and Oversight Committee of Boise Valley Meeting (ID) discussed ways of engaging young people in the life of the Meeting and also discussed the difficulties for parents attending Meeting when we have no ongoing First Day program
Bridge City Meeting (Portland, OR) will continue with intergenerational worship one Sunday per month on an every other month basis beginning in October. Children’s Program Committee will plan the theme for these Meetings for Worship with accompanying crafts or activities, and a representative from Ministry and Oversight will assist with promoting and shepherding the events.
Bellingham Meeting (WA) has approved giving financial support for a Palestinian refugee family who will be arriving in Vancouver, BC. This family of three, with a child in great need of healthcare, is solely dependent upon the private sponsorship of the Unitarians and Quakers of Vancouver for an entire year.
Beyond the Monthly Meeting/Churches
The Fall gathering of College Park Quarterly Meeting will be October 16-18 at Sierra Friends Center, Nevada City, CA with the theme "Recognizing and deepening our Quaker Faith."
Colorado Regional Meeting will be held November 6th - 8th at the YMCA of the Rockies Conference Center in Estes Park bordering Rocky Mountain National Park. This year’s theme is “Deepening Our Spiritual Life in Community” and will be led by Nancy Bieber, a member of Lancaster (PA) Monthly Meeting and a psychotherapist, spiritual director and retreat leader.
to be a time for sharing, games, considering ideas, and food (pizza and ice cream).
George Fox University and Northwest Yearly Meeting are jointly sponsoring a day-long conference to work toward abolishing sex trafficking and forced prostitution in Portland. "The New Abolitionists" conference will occur October 24, 9 a.m to 4 p.m. at George Fox University.
Several short-term missionaries are going to Rwanda as Rwanda has decreed that all school teachers be able to teach in English. EFM has begun to address the situation in Friends Schools. The five teachers who are going to Rwanda are from Northwest Yearly Meeting.
The Northwest Yearly Meeting Youthworkers Training Conference will be November 6-8 at the Hood River Inn, Hood River OR. Dr. Doreen Dodgen-Magee of Tigard Friends Church will speak to the theme, “Plugged In: Engaging the Media Culture Surrounding Youth.”
Retha McCutcheon of Northwest Yearly Meeting will lead a trip to Israel/Palestine in January 2010. Along with visits to historical sites, the group will also connect with ministries related to NWYM--including the work the Neiferts are doing in Haifa. Retha's email:
Pacific Yearly Meeting united in moving forward with hiring a Youth Program Coordinator. As part of this significant development, PYM Nominating Committee is in the process of identifying individuals to serve on a Supervisory Committee, which would implement and oversee the hiring and supervision of this employee.
Quaker Earthcare Witness will hold its Annual Meeting and Gathering in Bellingham, WA, October 8-12 with the theme, “Wisdom Stories for a Resilient Future: Bible Stories, Native Stories, Quaker Stories.” Kathy Hyzy of Multnomah Meeting and editor of Western Friend will present the keynote address.
Southern California Quarterly Meeting will be November 7-8 at Temescal Canyon. Steve Smith, Claremont Meeting will speak to the theme: "Finding Joy In Committee Work: Knitting The Meeting Together In Community" Time has been dedicated to meeting together in groups according to the committee in which Friends are called to serve, or would like to serve, in their Monthly Meetings.
Western Friend celebrated the publication of the book, Enlivened by the Spirit, at University Meeting in Seattle. The book is a compilation of nearly fifty Friends’ responses to the query, “How have you experienced God or the Divine?” with art, song, poetry, fiction, and essays.