News from Western Quaker Newsletters
October 2009
Did you know that the Quaker Youth Pilgrimage, a program of Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) will be in the Pacific Northwest next summer? Young friends, ages 16-18, will arrive in Seattle on July 16 and travel together for a month. Who in your church or meeting would be right for this life-changing experience? Contact me-, Bill Schoder-Ehri -, or the FWCC website,, for more information.
News of Friends Meetings and Churches
Apple Seed Meeting (Sebastopol, CA) is concerned about its relationship with its landlord and problems encountered using the building. The Meeting may need to reinvestigate a larger meeting space in the near future. It was suggested that a committee gather to review the situation.
Berkeley Meeting (CA) is proposing a new committee, Outreach and Nurture. The committee will be responsible for: nametags, attention to newcomers and those returning after an absence, Introduction of Quakerism for Newcomers, newcomer breakfasts or lunches, Meeting retreat, friendly dinners, worship-sharing series, final affairs workshop, etc. The committee would communicate with Ministry & Oversight regarding individual needs as they arrive.
Berkeley Meeting (CA) approved two Friends, and others who may volunteer, to provide pre-registration services for Pacific Yearly meeting’s 2010 and 2011 summer gatherings, with the understanding that net proceeds would go to support the Berkeley Meeting building renovation and no funds would benefit individuals.
Claremont Meeting (CA) Friends are asked to bring fall foliage to meeting each Sunday in order to create an ongoing fall mantel decoration.
Corvallis Meeting (OR) has scheduled a panel discussion on preparing for death. What can Friends do to be ready to die? How can the meeting help? Panelists will have legal expertise, medical knowledge and experience in hospice work along with some practical knowledge about low-cost funerals and good planning practices.
Honolulu Meeting (HI) notes that the issue of whether the Meeting should join an existing quarterly meeting, probably in California, has been discussed before. There is not enough interest and not enough business in common with the two Pacific Yearly Meeting quarterlies to justify it.
Tom Rawson is coming to Eugene Meeting (OR)! The Meeting’s favorite Quaker folksinger and humorist is coming to Eugene to give a benefit con¬cert for the SOA Watch at the Meetinghouse on October 17th at 7 pm.
Humboldt Meeting (Arcata, CA) discussed the need for pamphlets to be available on Sundays. Pendle Hill online and the FGC bookstore will be checked for possibilities.
This summer Klamath Falls Friends (OR) partnered with the OSU Extension Agency to sponsor a Garden Camp. Friends own a lot next to the church where they have grown vegetables for the last few years, which they shared with the neighborhood and donated to the food bank and the mission. This was the first year for the garden camp, and it was a great success. The number varied but there was a core of seven or eight boys and girls who came every week, only two of whom were from the meeting, so this was a wonderful outreach project.
Lower Columbia Worship Group (Seaview, WA) held their first-ever potluck.
Marloma Long Beach Meeting (CA) approved a Minute of concern regarding the execution of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Mountain View Meeting (Denver, CO) scheduled two all clerks meetings to keep communications flowing among committees, provide an opportunity to consider issues that cross committees, and support community building among the Meeting leadership.
Multnomah Meeting Friends (Portland, OR) have the opportunity to learn how to help those in their Meeting who are struggling in times of economic need and stress on Saturday, October 24th. The morning session will address the issues of housing and mental health. The afternoon session will explore referrals to agencies and dealing with secondary stress. The program will conclude with a presentation/discussion about the roles Meeting committees play in addressing needs of those in the Quaker community.
The Pastor of Children & Family Ministries of Newberg Friends Church (OR) is dreaming of a “sponsorship program” for each of the rooms that have toys. She’d love to see a
family, couple, or individual pledge to clean the toys and wipe down surfaces at least once per month in each of these classrooms.
David Niyonzima from Burundi will be at North Seattle Friends Church (WA) on Saturday morning, October 24. Both David and Patty Federighi will share about their work in Burundi and in Congo. The meeting with David and Patty will be followed by a carry-in community meal and Friends are invited to bring food to share. The Meeting for Business for the Area Gathering will take place during the afternoon.
Orange County Meeting (Santa Ana, CA) is considering having a fund-raising event to raise enough money for the Meeting to make its intended charitable contributions for the year.
An attender at Orange County Meeting (Santa Ana, CA) posted a query on the Meeting’s listserv, noting that what he saw on the listserv (and probably heard in announcements) had to do with business, but he wondered whether Friends ever talk about spiritual issues and what they believe. The question itself drew wonderful answers from others in the meeting. Friends asked if perhaps this year they can find more explicit ways to talk about their spiritual core, and to let others know what goes on in the silence.
Orange Grove Meeting (Pasadena, CA) agreed to host the Pacific Yearly Meeting Representative Committee meeting in March 2010.
Palo Alto Meeting (CA) will hold its Annual Retreat on the theme: "Beyond Words: Plain and Joyful Expressions of the Spirit." Friends will explore non-verbal means of expression in ways that are usually associated with the arts and the senses.
The Oversight Committee of Reno Meeting (NV) called all of the members and attenders of the meeting to see how they are doing. Additionally, a letter explaining the financial state of our meeting was also sent to each member of the meeting.
Early this year, at Reedwood Friends Church (Portland, OR) when conversations were centered around the economy and what could be done to help struggling families both in the community and beyond, the idea of a community garden took root. This was one idea that quickly bore fruit (puns intended!). The church has another property that includes a large courtyard area. One goal—other than growing vegetables—was to build bridges with others living in the immediate community who did not yet have a connection with Reedwood.
The Center for Christian Studies at Reedwood Friends Church (Portland, OR) is focusing on The Ancient Future Church: Perspectives from Contemporary Historians. Classes meet Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m.
How can we “be like Jesus”? What would it look like to demonstrate God’s love and truth (as in John 4) in southwest Portland? These were the questions that RiversWay Community, a ministry point of NWYM, was discerning in spring 2008. At the same time they were developing relationships with a group of people without homes in Tigard. They offered shower and laundry services once a month, at first we renting hotel rooms and shuttling a few at a time for showers. They bought sandwiches and ate with those who waited at the laundromat while their clothes were drying. New relationships deepened as Friends listened to stories, shared a meal, and helped with showers and laundry.
The Newcomers’ BBQ at Rose Drive Friends Church (Yorba Linda, CA) will be held Sunday, October 18 The BBQ gives newcomers a chance to meet some of the church leadership and others who have recently started coming to the church.
Salt Lake Meeting (UT) accepted Ministry and Counsel’s recommendation that the Meeting not use name tags. Friends are encouraged to be friendly and welcoming to all.
The book group at San Francisco Meeting (CA) is reading the book, Fit for Freedom, Not for Friendship, by Vanessa Julye and Donna McDaniel.
San Jose Meeting (CA) will hold its annual retreat, sponsored by Ministry and Worship and Caring Committees, on October 24th, on the Meeting property.
The theme for Santa Cruz Meeting’s (CA) Autumn Meeting Retreat is Experimenting with Worship. Friends will spend the morning trying out different ways of preparing for worship. Some examples of the activities planned are reading poetry, singing and bible study. After lunch Friends will sit down for extended worship (silent meeting until it is discerned that the worship is truly finished). Extended worship tends to yield both deep silence and well seasoned ministry.
Santa Fe Meeting (CA) agreed to hold over a discussion of the purposes of a Ministry &
Oversight Committee until next month.
Santa Monica Meeting (CA) holds a Meeting for Healing every first and third Wednesday at the Meeting House with prayers for healing, worship, and gratitude.
Friends Community Church Spring Valley (CA) will hold its annual Rummage Sale on November 7th.
On September 15th Tempe Meeting (AZ) held the long awaited “dorm event” at ASU but Friends were very disappointed as only one student participated. It was felt that CORA (The Council of Religious Advisors) had given us a hard to find, out of the way location. The committee would like to do this again with more than one student!
University Meeting (Seattle, WA) will hold a retreat at the Meeting House on October 24th, Friends will share in small groups what community means to each of them and what they want in a community. Friends will be invited to talk about passions, leadings and gifts and what they might have to do with community. Friends will share a potluck lunch, work together in intergenerational work parties, and then reconvene in small groups to focus on how best to use the gifts and resources the Meeting has at this time.
The next Peace Café at First Friends, Whittier (CA) will be November 21st. Friends are invited to an evening full of music, poems, art and fellowship.
Beyond the Monthly Meeting/Churches
The Fall gathering of College Park Quarterly Meeting will be October 16-18 at Sierra Friends Center, Nevada City, CA with the theme "Recognizing and deepening our Quaker Faith."
Colorado Regional Meeting will be held November 6th - 8th at the YMCA of the Rockies Conference Center in Estes Park bordering Rocky Mountain National Park. This year’s theme is “Deepening Our Spiritual Life in Community” and will be led by Nancy Bieber, a member of Lancaster (PA) Monthly Meeting and a psychotherapist, spiritual director and retreat leader.
to be a time for sharing, games, considering ideas, and food (pizza and ice cream).
George Fox University and Northwest Yearly Meeting are jointly sponsoring a day-long conference to work toward abolishing sex trafficking and forced prostitution in Portland. "The New Abolitionists" conference will occur October 24, 9 a.m to 4 p.m. at George Fox University.
Intermountain Yearly Meeting discovered that Ghost Ranch has scheduled the 2010-2012 Annual Gatherings during the first full week of June instead of the traditional second week, which affects meetings where school is still in session. The Executive Committee agreed that the Meeting has no option for 2010, but IMYM should explore other options for the future.
Intermountain Yearly Meeting asks that Meetings consider the following queries :
I. Does your Monthly Meeting support a renewed service program at the Yearly Meeting level?
II. Would your Meeting support an increase in IMYM assessments to support Yearly Meeting’s operations.? If you are unable to support an increase, where would you choose to cut the budget? What disposition should be made of the current budget line item of $24, 000 previously entered for the Joint Service Project?
III. Would your meeting support a change in the date of the Annual Gathering from the first or second week in June, to the first partial week in August?
The Northwest Yearly Meeting Youthworkers Training Conference will be November 6-8 at the Hood River Inn, Hood River OR. Dr. Doreen Dodgen-Magee of Tigard Friends Church will speak to the theme, “Plugged In: Engaging the Media Culture Surrounding Youth.”
Retha McCutchen of Northwest Yearly Meeting will lead a trip to Israel/Palestine in January 2010. Along with visits to historical sites, the group will also connect with ministries related to NWYM--including the work the Neiferts are doing in Haifa. Retha's email:
"In keeping with our Testimonies on Equality and Community, those of us gathered at Pacific Yearly Meeting in 2009 believe that access to health care must be universal and affordable for every individual in this land. There is support among Friends for a single-payer health insurance plan, and we support the right of states to adopt the single-payer option. We encourage further study and action by monthly meetings”
Southern California Quarterly Meeting will be November 7-8 at Temescal Canyon. Steve Smith, Claremont Meeting will speak to the theme: "Finding Joy In Committee Work: Knitting The Meeting Together In Community" Time has been dedicated to meeting together in groups according to the committee in which Friends are called to serve, or would like to serve, in their Monthly Meetings.
FWCC Website
Look at for information about the Section of the Americas.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
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