Sunday, May 17, 2009

News of Friends Meetings and Churches

Two students from ESR (Earlham School of Religion) brought the message to First Friends, Whittier (CA) on March 29. The message was from 1 Corinthians: 12-26 with the theme that the Body of Christ is like the human body.
Friends at West Community Friends Church (Corona, CA) are being asked if they would like to be involved in Worship Arts Ministry. This ministry includes Vocal, Instrumental, Sound, Power Point design, Power Point presentation, Lighting, etc.
Vancouver Meeting (BC) held a Quaker Quest introductory workshop in April to enable Vancouver Friends Meeting to discern whether it is called to undertake Quaker Quest at this time. Friends from Argenta, Vancover Island and Bellingham Meetings joined them.
University Meeting (Seattle, WA) is seeking a coordinator for its QUEST program. UFM seeks experienced administrator, program developer, trainer for established program providing six interns with year-long positions at local social change and service organizations. This is a half-time, salaried position. Application deadline: June 15 for August start. Contact Personnel Committee: or call 360-668-9370.
In its third all-meeting retreat, University Meeting (Seattle, WA) will build on what Friends learned about individual discernment to focus on tools for corporate discernment.
The Clerk of Tempe Meeting (AZ) is the person with custodial authority to contact the Tempe police to address the standing “no trespass” order that the Meeting has established in support of the Meeting’s immediate neighborhood neighbor concerns of homeless individuals using Meeting property to sleep and/or store belongings.
Tempe Meeting (AZ) has tried the experiment of having a table in the middle of the room to assist a Friend’s hearing.
Tacoma Meeting (WA) will hold a Meeting for Learning on Tacoma’s Federal Detention Center and other immigrant issues. Friends will also view two short documentaries: one about the detention center and one concerning traffic stops connected to immigration surveillance on the Olympic Peninsula.
The first Quaker Quest workshop for Tacoma Meeting (WA) has been scheduled officially by Friends General Conference (FGC) for September 19, 2009. It will be an all-day workshop led by two facilitators from FGC.
The Mother’s Day Breakfast at Friends Community Church, Spring Valley (CA) was hosted by the Quaker men.
Spokane Friends Church (WA) is discussing the arrangement of the pews in the sanctuary in order to meet the needs of both the unprogrammed and programmed meetings.
South Seattle Preparative Meeting (WA) decided to begin the process of becoming a Monthly Meeting. Friends will participate in a worship sharing session on the topic to help meet a concern that they need consideration at a spiritual level. Clerks will be encouraged to have committee members discuss the change.
South Seattle Preparative Meeting (WA) is once again organizing a family camping trip for the weekend of the Sea Fair airshow, when Friends traditionally cancel their regular meeting forworship. This year, a Meeting family has generously offered the use of the land surrounding their cabin near Index, WA.
Santa Monica Meeting (Ca) recently approved three minutes. They are on Expanding the War in Afghanistan, Universal Health Care in the United States, and Health Care in the world. These minutes will be sent to Southern California Quarterly Meeting.
Santa Cruz Meeting (CA) approved allowing a couple to live in their van in the Meeting’s parking lot for three months
Peace and Social Order Committee of San Jose Meeting (CA) reports that the “Peace Now” banner is now held over a local freeway on the third Sunday of each month.
Sacramento Meeting (CA) facilitated their first same sex marriage.
Worship and Ministry Committee of Sacramento Meeting (CA) encourages Friends to prepare for worship before entering into the meeting room. “Enter into the Silence, then enter into the Meeting Room.” “Worship in process, prepare before entering meeting room.”
Palo Alto Friends (CA) are reading Robert Barclay’s Quaker Catechisms and Confessions of Faith which presents fundamental religious precepts of Friends in 1673.
Orange County Friends (Santa Ana, CA) are listing community resources, sharing skills and supporting one another through listening and shared meals.
Orange Grove Meeting (Pasadena, CA) will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first Meeting for Worship in the Orange Grove Boulevard Meeting House on Sunday, May 31st. There will be a display of old photos from the early years, music and singing and a birthday cake. All F(f)riends from near and far are cordially invited to join in this milestone celebration.
Newberg Friends Church (OR) will hold its annual celebration and blessing for graduating seniors on May 17, complete with live music, smoothies, dessert, a slide show and blessing.
Young Adult Friends of Multnomah Meeting (Portland, OR) gather in Worship on the second Sunday of each month. They attend to business between 4:30 and 6 pm, then settle into potluck dinner, moving easily between song and silence through the evening.
Multnomah Meeting (Portland, OR) Friends are being asked, “Are we still a dangerous people? What might yor answer say about the work of the Spirit in your heart?” Friends will meet Saturday, June 13 with facilitators Marge Abbott and Peggy Parsons to explore the spiritual qualities which once caused Quakers to be thrown in prison and legislated against as a danger to the realm.
Mountainview Meeting (Denver, CO), to foster better communication between its separate committees, will hold a meeting of the clerks of all committees multiple times this year. All committee members are urged to keep each other better informed, through the Meeting’s newsletter, written announcements, Business Meeting, and daily conversations.
“Women in Transition,” women of Grass Valley Meeting (CA) gather 4 - 5 times a year at someone’s home for a day to deepen their friendships and share their lives.
Eugene Meeting (OR) holds Meetings for Worshipful Inquiry where Friends learn to share their personal experiences of faith and practice. In May, Friends will be asked, “How to Abide? – How do I handle those times when the well has gone dry? What do I do when there is no ‘way opening’ or no ‘leading?’”
Worship and Ministry and Children’s Religious Education Committees of Eugene Meeting (OR) have developed a brochure clarifying the Meeting’s relationship with children in the meeting for worship. The brochure includes the reasons that children are included in worship, ways that parents can prepare their children for worship, and guidelines for behavior.
Delta Meeting (Stockton, CA) is a sponsor of the Modesto Peace Life Center’s Peace Essay Contest. Approximately 210 attended the Contest Awards Reception. This year’s assignment was to nominate a living person for Peacemaker of the Year. Friends noted it was nice to see students participate year after year and to see their growth.
Davis Meeting (CA) is holding discussions on topics such as “Affirmations for undoing old injuries—a step to forgiveness,” and “Sharing spiritual inspirations: What experiences and people have helped to shape your spiritual path?”
Corvallis Meeting (OR) has adopted a key policy for the Meeting House, establishing who should have keys.
Claremont Meeting (CA) contributed artwork to the “Building a world fit for Children” project through Church Women United.
Chico Meeting (CA) will hold monthly study and worship-sharing times around Plain Living: A Quaker Path to Simplicity by Catherine Whitmore.
Bridge City Meeting (Portland, OR) will share a picnic at a local park. At this time “old” committees will turn over responsibilities to “new” committees.
Boise Friends Church (ID) will hold a retreat at Quaker Hill with the theme, “Stop and Hear the Who…. Because a Friend is a Friend no matter how small. Friends are encouraged to apply for scholarships if needed and to contribute to scholarships is possible.
Bellingham Meeting (WA) maintains a presence at the Bellingham Saturday Market as many Saturdays as possible. Topics presented include war (no war), the environment and health insurance for all.
The children of Bellingham Meeting (WA) are collecting war toys for the purpose of being relinquished, in conjunction with other faith groups. The children will be making a peace dove with the collection.
Albuquerque Meeting (NM) will hold a Saturday afternoon workshop on “Vocal Ministry in the Tradition of Friends.”
Beyond the Monthly Meeting/Churches

Friends in Alaska Yearly Meeting combat the spiritual darkness of suicide. A 17-year-old Yupik Eskimo teen once attempted suicide himself. God has enabled him to express his spiritual journey in a testimony that has captivated both young and old. He has brought a message of hope to youth at Anchorage Friends Church, Kotzebue Friends Church and in addition he has brought his message to six villages.
The former Regional Director of the American Friends Service Committee’s Pacific Mountain Region, Alan Lessik, is now AFSC Assistant General Secretary for Goal Leadership. While this is a national position, he will be working out of the San Francisco office.
Laura Magnani has been appointed Interim Regional Director of the AFSC’s Pacific Mountain Region. She is a member of Berkeley Meeting.
Continuing Committee of Arizona Half-Yearly Meeting has recommended that the Meeting change its format to a Fall retreat weekend at Emmanuel Pines Camp in Prescott and a spring gathering in Phoenix or Tucson for a one-day meeting for worship for business and focus meetings for particular committees.
Christian Friends Conference of Northern California will meet Saturday, June 27th at Berkeley Friends Church. Along with silent waiting worship in the manner of Conservative Friends and silent waiting worship upon the Lord, Paul Smith will lead a discussion on the Ten Commandments.
College Park Quarterly Meeting gathered May 15-17 with the theme, “Care for Younger Friends.” Special guest was Emily Stewart, Friends General Conference Youth Ministries Coordinator.
Evangelical Friends Church Southwest will sponsor the C.W. Perry Memorial Golf Tournament on June 1st. to raise the resources needed to plant new churches in the Southwest, and memorialize the life of Senior Pastor C.W. Perry, who not only loved golf, but loved the cause of starting new churches.
Intermountain Yearly Meeting will gather June 8-14 at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico with the theme, “Telling our Stories: Where is God in All This?” Lucy Duncan, FGC staff and storyteller, will be the guest.
North Pacific Yearly Meeting will gather July 15-19 in Missoula, MT with John Calvi as Friend in Residence. John Calvi, a Quaker healer and teacher specializing in trauma and caregiver burnout, will speak on the theme: "Experiencing Light in Hard Times - How Do We Stay Faithful in Times of Trouble?"
Helen Dart, Presiding Clerk of North Pacific Yearly Meeting, wrote to Friends who might have financial difficulty in attending NPYM: “I want to suggest to Friends that accepting needed scholarship help is a service to the Yearly Meeting. Our strength and power at Annual Session flows from our members coming together, and every one of us is important. By accepting the gift of scholarship funds, we give the gift of our presence to the Annual Session.”
Northwest Yearly Meeting will hold Yearly Meeting Sessions at George Fox University, Newberg, OR, Sunday July 26-Thursday July 30 with the theme, “We are Witnesses.” The Outreach Rally will take place Sunday evening, following the Men’s and Women’s Missionary Banquets. Colin Saxton will give the keynote address Monday evening and Bob Adhikary, missionary to Nepal, will speak Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
Pacific Yearly Meeting will meet July 27-August 1, 2009 at Walker Creek Ranch, Petaluma, CA.
Pacific Yearly Meeting Representative Committee considered, but did not come to unity on, a proposal to hire a Youth Coordinator as a regular employee. The issue will go back to committees and to the Annual Session of PYM. Other issues: The 2008 Annual Session incurred a significant loss. An increase in fees or change in pricing structure is being considered. PYM is having difficulty finding a site in Southern California for the 2010 and 2011 sessions.
Meetings in Pacific Yearly Meeting may apply for a grant from the “San Fernando Valley Meetinghouse Proceeds Trust,” for "for religious or charitable purposes, such as to assist Quaker meetings in the acquisition of meeting houses" Applications and inquiries should be sent to the Pacific Yearly Meeting Holding Corporation clerk, Lanny Jay.
The Portland Area Spring Gathering of Northwest Yearly Meeting will be Saturday, May 30th at Clackamas Friends Church.
Western Half Yearly Meeting of Canadian Yearly Meeting is meeting May 15-18 at Sorrento Centre, Sorrento, BC.

PS. Personal note:

Wayne Yarnall, my ex-husband, had a major heart attack a couple of weeks ago. It has been a difficult time for him and all our families. He has now had heart surgery and is undergoing rehabilitation. He has been very pleased with all the family and friends who have spent time with him. Both of our children have been incredible in their attention and devotion to their father. No one could ask for better children.

In Friendship,

Friday, May 1, 2009

News from Western Quaker Newsletters
May 1, 2009

At this time in early May, 2009, much of our attention is drawn to news about the swine flu. We don’t know how serious it is going to be. Some schools and other facilities have closed as a precautionary measure.
My fellow staff-person, Loida Fernandez, Executive Secretary of COAL, reports that two people have died in her area. And the Reunion General de Los Amigos en Mexico has been postponed until next Fall.
For now what we can do is to do what we have been told and follow common-sense advice. Wash your hands (lots). Cover your mouth when you cough. Stay home if you feel sick. And, I would add, pray for the well-being of all.
Not being sick, I am soon leaving for Willamette Quarterly Meeting at Sky Camp, a Kiwanis Camp in the Cascades Foothills, east of Eugene, Oregon. It’s a familiar site to many of us and will be new to others.

I find most of the information for this Newsletter Summary in church and meeting newsletters. Many are sent to me by postal mail; others by e-mail. Until fairly recently I had a PMB – Personal Mail Box – in Vancouver, WA because I used to live there I have now closed that PMB box. For a short while, mail will be forwarded.
If you are the person who sends your church or meeting Newsletter to me by postal mail, please check to be certain that it is being sent to my Portland, Oregon address.
Or send it to me as an e-mail attachment; that will be fine. nancym(at)

In Friendship,

News of Friends Meetings and Churches

Albuquerque Meeting (NM) is planning a celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of Albuquerque Monthly Meeting. The celebration, which will take place in October 2009 will review the Meeting’s history and honor the Meeting’s elders.
Ministry and Oversight Committee of Berkeley Meeting (CA) will meet for a day-long retreat to plan for the future and deepen spiritual relationships.
Boise Friends Church (ID) created a space reserved especially for prayer—a quiet, comfortable room near the sanctuary where people go to pray on Sunday mornings before the worship service.
The theme for May for the First Day School of Boulder Meeting (CO) is living simply and affirming personal values. It was suggested that Friends talk to their children about what they value that does not have to be purchased.
Wes Daniels has been called by Camas Friends Church (WA). He comes to NWYM from studies at Fuller Theological Seminary.
At Meeting for Learning of the Lower Columbia Worship Group (Long Beach, WA) Friends focused on the origins of the Religious Society of Friends. The group is using Michael Birkel’s Silence and Witness as a springboard for discussion.
Babies were born to two families in Missoula Meeting (MT) in February. Congratulations!
Friends from Missoula Meeting (MT) have been involved in cutting and sewing parties to make cushions for benches in the Meeting House. Soup and bread were served as well.
Peace and Social Concerns Committee of Mountain View Meeting (Denver, CO) is sponsoring a series of Spiritual Dialogues on Race.
The Green the Meeting project of the Junior Young Friends of Mountain View Meeting (Denver, CO) has won an award in the Religious/Spiritual category from the Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education.
Multnomah Meeting (Portland, OR) is sponsoring an adult education panel titled, “Are We All Prophets?” Queries include “What is ‘prophetic ministry’ in our time and in our culture? Can it have a place in every life or is it only for a few? Where does the prophet stand – as an insider or as an outsider?”
Multnomah Meeting (Portland, OR) is holding a “simplify your life/beautify your garden” Rummage and Plant Sale, on Saturday, May 2nd.
On every Business Meeting/Potluck Sunday, Multnomah Meeting (Portland, OR) is striving to fill the Oregon Food Bank box located in the social hall. Friends hope this monthly observance will become a Multnomah Meeting tradition.
Newberg Friends Church (OR) is putting together a songbook to use along with the church’s hymnals. Friends are asked to let the church secretary know their favorite songs – which songs they like to sing again and again.
Family Story Time at Newberg Friends Church(OR) will be May 22nd . This month they will celebrate Jesus with the theme of communication. All ages are welcome and kids are invited to come in their jammies!
North Seattle Friends (WA) will enjoy Friday Night Movie on May 1st. They will watch Spellbound, a documentary about Spelling Bees which follows eight kids as they win regional bees and prepare for the national contest in Washington, D.C.
Orange County Friends (Santa Ana, CA) are involved in two Quaker Dialogue groups to deepen their experiences of Quaker faith and to develop closer ties with one another. In their current series, they are reading and responding to Pendle Hill pamphlets.
Programs at Paonia Friends Church (CO) include Celebrate Recovery, a program for women who have experienced divorce, death of a loved one, self esteem issues, or abuse. Instead of a traditional youth program, the church focuses on discipleship. At the request of the teens, guys and girls meet separately for Scripture study.
Pat and Mandy Schmidt will begin ministry as Plowshare Coffee House, Redmond (OR) with the formal approval of the Board of Local Outreach, Northwest Yearly Meeting.
Friends at Redwood Forest Meeting (Santa Rosa, CA) expressed concern that the procedure for approving transfers of membership has been nearly the same as approving new members. The emphasis to the transferring person and the visiting committee is that the visit is to find understanding and comfort in the new relationship and is not a clearness committee for membership. The Meeting will consider approval and recording of membership of a transfer applicant at the Meeting for Business in which their Visiting Committee report is presented.
Redwood Forest Meeting (Santa Rosa, CA) approved: Redwood Forest Friends Meeting will no longer escort transfers or prospective new members out of Business Meeting when their membership is being considered.
The Youth Missions Rummage Sale at Reedwood Friends Church (Portland, OR) will be Saturday, June 6.
Sacramento Meeting (CA) will hold an all-day workshop on June 6th, “Taste of Quaker Quest.” This workshop is primarily for members and attenders to get a sample of a Quaker Quest session and to understand how important it is to reach out to the community.
The Clerk of Worship and Ministry of Sacramento Meeting (CA) is the ex-officio Alternate Clerk.
Ministry and Counsel of Salt Lake Meeting (UT) is hosting a series of discussions on the “SPICE” testimonies: Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community and Equality. The most recent discussion was on Integrity.
Salt Lake Meeting (UT) noted that Intermountain Yearly Meeting assessments are currently a problem for the Meeting. The Meeting is considering asking for a reduction in assessments especially given the limited service IMYM provides and the remote location at which it meets.
San Francisco Meeting (CA) is wrestling with a proposal that a room in the Meeting House be used as a venue for meals for homeless people during inclement weather. Currently these meals are served on the sidewalk outside the building. Friends discussed the proposal and did not come to unity. The Clerk affirmed that certain goals were expressed: the desire to do direct service; to provide an opportunity for people to do such service together; and to build unity among San Francisco Friends.
No one from Santa Fe Meeting (NM) has come forward to edit the Meeting’s Newsletter. The Communications Committee proposes limiting the newsletter to announcements, a calendar of events, and business meeting minutes with the hope that with less work someone will come forward to take over the Newsletter.
Santa Fe Meeting (NM) has asked its current nominating committee to identify a proper list of standing committees and to recommend specific responsibilities to be discharged by Nominating Committee.
Silverton Friends Church (OR) offers a “Financial Peace” program to both church families and the local community. Program goals include encouraging families and individuals to have a balanced budget, an emergency fund, and credit card debt of zero.
Syd Wyncoop was recently hired at Talent Friends Church (OR). He and his wife Kathy come from Evangelical Friends Church Southwest.
The next gathering of Wyoming Friends Meeting will be in Jackson, Wyoming June 10-21. Friends meet from about 5 pm on Friday evening through the noon meal on Sunday with continuous potluck for the meals. Jackson Meeting provides hospitality. The weekend will include Meeting for Worship, Meeting for Business, two clearness committees for membership, worship-sharing, a “topic of interest,” recreation and good visiting.
Wyoming Friends Meeting has changed priorities in its 2009 budget. The Meeting has reduced support to other organizations and nearly tripled its travel budget to reflect its movement towards a more participative approach to larger Quaker organizations, Friends General Conference and Quaker Earthcare Witness.
News from Western Quaker Newsletters
May 1, 2009

Beyond the Monthly Meeting/Churches
Friends in Alaska Yearly Meeting combat the spiritual darkness of suicide. A 17-year-old Yupik Eskimo teen once attempted suicide himself. God has enabled him to express his spiritual journey in a testimony that has captivated both young and old. He has brought a message of hope to youth at Anchorage Friends Church, Kotzebue Friends Church and in addition he has brought his message to six villages.
The former Regional Director of the American Friends Service Committee’s Pacific Mountain Region, Alan Lessik, is now AFSC Assistant General Secretary for Goal Leadership. While this is a national position, he will be working out of the San Francisco office.
Laura Magnani has been appointed Interim Regional Director of the AFSC’s Pacific Mountain Region. She is a member of Berkeley Meeting.
Continuing Committee of Arizona Half-Yearly Meeting has recommended that the Meeting change its format to a Fall retreat weekend at Emmanuel Pines Camp in Prescott and a spring gathering in Phoenix or Tucson for a one-day meeting for worship for business and focus meetings for particular committees.
Christian Friends Conference of Northern California will meet Saturday, June 27th at Berkeley Friends Church.
College Park Quarterly Meeting will gather May 15-17 with the theme, “Care for Younger Friends.” Special guest will be Emily Stewart, Friends General Conference Youth Ministries Coordinator.
Evangelical Friends Church Southwest will sponsor the C.W. Perry Memorial Golf Tournament on June 1st. to raise the resources needed to plant new churches in the Southwest, and memorialize the life of Senior Pastor C.W. Perry, who not only loved golf, but loved the cause of starting new churches.
Friends General Conference has sent a request to Pacific Yearling Meeting asking PYM to host FGC in 2013.
Friends House Retirement Community in Santa Rosa, California is celebrating 25 years on April 24-26 with a trip down memory lane with a panel of founders and original employees, a hors d’oeuvre buffet, birthday cake and garden tours.
Intermountain Yearly Meeting will gather June 8-14 at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico.
Several members of Newberg (OR) Friends congregations recently attended an immigration forum sponsored by the Mennonite Central Committee and various organizations. One of the results of this forum was the formation of a group committed to pursuing political and legal advocacy, relationship-building and community education, and service to local immigrant communities.
Eighty-two Friends from Newberg (OR) area churches spent Spring Break on a Get Away Give Away mission trip to San Luis, Mexico. They served the local children and built houses for single and widowed mothers and children.
North Pacific Yearly Meeting will gather June 15-19 in Missoula, MT with John Calvi as Friend in Residence.
Northwest Yearly Meeting will hold Yearly Meeting Sessions at George Fox University, Newberg, OR, Sunday July 26-Thursday July 30 with the theme, “We are Witnesses.”. The Outreach Rally will take place Sunday evening, following the Men’s and Women’s Missionary Banquets. Colin Saxton will give the keynote address Monday evening and Bob Adhikary, missionary to Nepal, will speak Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
Pacific Yearly Meeting will meet July 27-August 1, 2009 at Walker Creek Ranch, Petaluma, CA.
Pacific Yearly Meeting Representative Committee considered, but did not come to unity on, a proposal to hire a Youth Coordinator as a regular employee. The issue will go back to committees and to the Annual Session of PYM. Other issues: The 2008 Annual Session incurred a significant loss. An increase in fees or change in pricing structure is being considered. PYM is having difficulty finding a site in Southern California for the 2010 and 2011 sessions.
The Portland Area Spring Gathering of Northwest Yearly Meeting will be Saturday, May 30th at Clackamas Friends Church.
Southern Idaho Friends churches are hosting a yearly meeting-wide Volleyball Tournament for high school students and youthworkers, May 1-2, at Nampa Christian High Schoo, Nampa, ID.
Utah Friends Fellowship will meet Friday May 1 through Sunday May 3 at Gold Bar Campground outside of Moab, Utah.
Willamette Quarterly Meeting will gather May 1-3 at Sky Camp east of Eugene, OR.

PS. Personal note:

Picture a crowded room full of small children dressing in Native American regalia. Add beloved Elders, family members and interested others. Listen to the drumming; watch the dancing at the Intertribal dances where all ages dance some with intricate footwork, others a simple two-step and others a rhythmic walking. Watch the older children as they display intricate hoop and other dances.
You are at the Children’s Powwow at the Native American Center on the Portland State Campus. It’s both a bedlam of noises and conversation and respectful watching and listening.
My Granddaughter Sophie was there dressed in her latest outfit. (She keeps outgrowing them.)
She and other children from her Native American Preschool participated in dances, happily scrambled for treats in the give-aways, listened when elders described ancient customs, and gave necklaces that they had made to elders. It’s a wonderful experience.
Many of the same children came to Sophie’s birthday party in her new back yard on Sunday afternoon. A warm sun and blue skies greeted children, parents, and extended family. Activities on this day included playing with the swing-set, sand box and just with water; bursting a piƱata, opening presents; eating grilled hot dogs and cake and ice cream; and just visiting with one another.
There was a spiritual element to both of these events. It had to do with the continuity of life within tribal cultures and within families and with growth with small children learning from elders and just being as a part of the continuity of families. I felt the Spirit, God, Great Spirit blessing all.

In Friendship,
News from Western Quaker Newsletters

April 4- April 17, 2009

It seems that many Quaker roads have converged on Oregon this year. We have been pleased to have so many visitors from other places. For example:
February - Friends for Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Transgender Quaker Concerns met near Portland.
March - Friends World Committee for Consultation, Section of the Americas, and the Central Executive Committee of FWCC met near Portland.
April - Quakers Uniting in Publishing met in Newberg and on the Oregon Coast.
April - The Quaker Youth Book Project International Committee met near Portland.
It’s exciting to have these Friends in our midst and as often was the case, we had opportunities to get together with Quakers from around the world and throughout our country. It’s been very enriching for all of us.

I am sure that many of you know that many Quaker organizations are facing difficult financial times. I think all have laid off staff. And FWCC is no exception.
Dorothy Day, our office manager, will leave us the end of April. She’s been a wonderful person to work and travel with and I treasure my times with her.
I will be leaving my position as Western Field Staff the end of June. I’ve had an incredible time – 7.5 years of working with so many of you in the West. My life has been richly blessed.
However, there is a possibility that I will continue on a contract basis with a few of the things that I do, such as this Newsletter Summary. So keep those newsletters coming!

In Friendship,

News of Friends Meetings and Churches

Arcadia and Glendora Friends Churches (CA) partnered at the Santa Anita Race Track for an outreach ministry with the Backstretch Community Workers. There were games and face-painting for kids, a sock, clothing and sleeping bag give-away and a Prayer Booth Ministry where Bibles in Spanish and English were distributed.
Earthcare Committee of Bellingham Meeting (WA) has suggested that Friends bring starter plants to Meeting to share with Friends as a means of welcoming Spring.
Youth of Boise Friends Church (ID) are participating in Stamps for Camp to help families pay for the cost of summer camp. Youth participate in different types of ministries – scripture memorization, community service, volunteer work, etc. – and earn “stamps” which become dollars earned for camp.
Friends at Boise Friends Church (ID) will hold an Autograph Party. Friends will bring old Autograph Books to be displayed. Elementary School children will be given new Autograph Books and will be seeking autographs.
Bridge City Meeting (Portland, OR) will hold intergenerational worship monthly for the next three months. After a time of silence, Friends—children and adults—will come together for a sharing circle. For the first intergenerational worship time each person was asked to bring some small "thing" that represents something hopeful. This item could be an object, a story or poem, something to show to the group.
Chico Meeting (CA) notes that Friends are asked to reflect on how they do business with worship as a foundation, yet also strive to preserve a tone of lightness.
Corvallis Meeting (OR) has approved that the Meeting join the Community of Welcoming Congregations. The meeting then noted that it takes more than putting a sign out to be welcoming. What do they expect of themselves in this regard?
Eastside Meeting (Bellevue, WA) has approved establishing an Outreach Committee to raise awareness of the Meeting within the greater community, to encourage use of the remodeled building, to improve the Meeting’s visibility and expand the community’s knowledge of Quakers and Quakerism.
Eugene Meeting (OR) has received a generous bequest from the estate of former members. The Meeting has now paid off all building loans. Three threshing sessions have been set on a monthly basis to help determine how to use the remaining funds.
Flagstaff Meeting (AZ) assists at the Family Food Center on the third Monday of each month. Dinners, free and open to the public, are served cafeteria style. In this dignified and enriching experience, Friends, as servers in the Christian tradition of feeding the poor, are nourished and fed in a rich and sometimes transforming way.
Foothills Community Church (Pasadena, CA) hosted the Bad Weather Shelter in Pasadena., the first time for the church to take part in this ministry to the homeless. Friends shopped for, cooked and served dinner, set up sleeping spaces and visited with the guests.
Gateway Friends Church (Walnut, CA) participated in Campus Serve Day at Western Christian High School, cleaning indoors and out. Because of inclement weather, Friends plan to go back to accomplish other tasks such as painting the softball backstop.
The clerks of all committees of Grass Valley Meeting (CA) comprise the naming committee to choose the nominating committee.
Tristan Anderson, an American citizen, was shot in the head with a tear gas projectile from around 60 meters by Israeli forces on March 13, 2009, during a demonstration in the West Bank village of Ni’lin. Tristan’s parents, Nancy and Mike Anderson, are long-time participants of Grass Valley Meeting (CA).
Youth of Melba Friends Church (ID) will hold a pancake feed fund-raiser at the Southern Idaho Area Rally at Melba Friends Church, April 26.
On April 24th Multnomah Meeting (Portland, OR) will host the Quaker Youth Editorial Board, an international Board of Young Friends who are working on the Quaker Youth Book Project, an anthology of writings from Young Friends.
Newberg Friends Church (OR) held a Maundy Thursday service in the sanctuary. It was a simple service, focusing on Jesus' last supper with his disciples. One part the service was to take communion together with the elements, as a way to enter into worship during Holy Week.
Newberg Friends Church (OR) will host an informational meeting on April 19, regarding the formation of a group committed to pursuing political and legal advocacy, relationship-building and community education, and service to local immigrant communities.
Seniors of Newberg Friends Church (OR) meet for breakfast at a local restaurant. They have named themselves JOY—Just Older Youth.
Northwest Community Friends Church (Tucson, AZ) during Serve Day Arizona cleaned up neighborhoods of graffiti and trash, cleaned windows, painted fences, etc. People saw a different view of what Christianity is about and Friends were changed as they were allowed to be Christ’s servants.
Northern California Friends Churches hit the streets of Midtown Sacramento to clean parks, pray with people, serve the homeless, and help with other neglected needs of Midtown.
Ministry and Oversight Committee of Pima Meeting (AZ) recognizes that in these challenging times, some Friends will suffer the loss of jobs, housing and other primary needs. How can the Meeting respond in ways that deepen relationships to one another and to God?
For the next three months, Meeting for Business at San Jose Meeting (CA) will follow directly after Meeting for Worship which will last about 30 minutes, depending on vocal ministry. Following visitor introductions and visitors being invited to remain, Meeting for Business will begin. Afterwords and Announcements will occur at the end of Meeting for Business.
Vision and Planning Committee of Santa Cruz Meeting (CA) asks: “Is it too burdensome to ask the Clerk to have sole discretion about which items to place on the Business Meeting agenda?”
Ministry and Counsel of Santa Monica Meeting (CA) is planning a Memorial Meeting for those who have lost loved ones over the past couple of years. There have been a number of losses which Friends feel need to be acknowledged.
Sherwood Community Friends Church (OR) held a Maundy Thursday service in the Quaker tradition, along with the partaking of the elements as optional.
Spokane Friends Church (WA) will hold Missionary Weekend on April 25-26 with Hal and Nancy Thomas, who will speak of their work of educating church leaders in Latin America, enabling leaders to receive doctorate degrees.
Friends Community Church (Spring Valley, CA) held their Annual Easter Love Feast with Tony Svarese of Chosen People Ministries who taught about Christ in the Passover. Friends also enjoyed a traditional Seder meal.
Women from Tempe Meeting (AZ) meet monthly for a brown bag lunch at the Meeting House. The hour is usually filled with conversation, reflection and good food/drink from home.
Tempe Friends (AZ) will find a place to recycle batteries at the Meeting House.
Fresno and Visalia Meetings (CA) meet together for Fifth Sundays. Fifth Sunday on May 31st will be at Visalia Meeting (CA) with potluck to follow.
West Community Friends Church (Corona, CA) held Serve Day at an elementary school in South Corona. After a pancake breakfast, teams of people washed windows, helped teachers set up rooms, washed doors, scrubbed tables, cleaned rooms and weeded planter areas.

PS. Personal note:

It’s Spring and it’s the Northwest so we’ve had days of gray, days of sunshine, and just plain yucky rainy days. But we do know that April showers bring May flowers. All is for the greater good.
I’m looking out to a gray sky filtered through the leafy green of trees in the woods just south of my apartment. On my deck is a pot full of yellow tulips and pansies. It’s almost bright enough to replace the sun that isn’t out.
I also have a pot full of lettuce plants about 2 inches tall, another pot with lettuce that has yet to come up, and a lone pumpkin plant. Thus, so far, is the container garden of farmer Nancy.
Sophie was five years old yesterday. She had birthday cupcakes at school and went out to dinner at the restaurant of her choice. She’s so grown up and she’s only five!
I have errands to run and will probably take the car. It’s kind of hard to do this on the day the EPA has declared that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are a danger to public health and welfare. In some ways, it has been helpful that my car has issues. Imagine having a car that doesn’t run well in the rain in the Northwest? I know I need to get it fixed, but if it being disabled helps limit my driving, maybe it isn’t all bad.

In Friendship,