Sunday, May 17, 2009

News of Friends Meetings and Churches

Two students from ESR (Earlham School of Religion) brought the message to First Friends, Whittier (CA) on March 29. The message was from 1 Corinthians: 12-26 with the theme that the Body of Christ is like the human body.
Friends at West Community Friends Church (Corona, CA) are being asked if they would like to be involved in Worship Arts Ministry. This ministry includes Vocal, Instrumental, Sound, Power Point design, Power Point presentation, Lighting, etc.
Vancouver Meeting (BC) held a Quaker Quest introductory workshop in April to enable Vancouver Friends Meeting to discern whether it is called to undertake Quaker Quest at this time. Friends from Argenta, Vancover Island and Bellingham Meetings joined them.
University Meeting (Seattle, WA) is seeking a coordinator for its QUEST program. UFM seeks experienced administrator, program developer, trainer for established program providing six interns with year-long positions at local social change and service organizations. This is a half-time, salaried position. Application deadline: June 15 for August start. Contact Personnel Committee: or call 360-668-9370.
In its third all-meeting retreat, University Meeting (Seattle, WA) will build on what Friends learned about individual discernment to focus on tools for corporate discernment.
The Clerk of Tempe Meeting (AZ) is the person with custodial authority to contact the Tempe police to address the standing “no trespass” order that the Meeting has established in support of the Meeting’s immediate neighborhood neighbor concerns of homeless individuals using Meeting property to sleep and/or store belongings.
Tempe Meeting (AZ) has tried the experiment of having a table in the middle of the room to assist a Friend’s hearing.
Tacoma Meeting (WA) will hold a Meeting for Learning on Tacoma’s Federal Detention Center and other immigrant issues. Friends will also view two short documentaries: one about the detention center and one concerning traffic stops connected to immigration surveillance on the Olympic Peninsula.
The first Quaker Quest workshop for Tacoma Meeting (WA) has been scheduled officially by Friends General Conference (FGC) for September 19, 2009. It will be an all-day workshop led by two facilitators from FGC.
The Mother’s Day Breakfast at Friends Community Church, Spring Valley (CA) was hosted by the Quaker men.
Spokane Friends Church (WA) is discussing the arrangement of the pews in the sanctuary in order to meet the needs of both the unprogrammed and programmed meetings.
South Seattle Preparative Meeting (WA) decided to begin the process of becoming a Monthly Meeting. Friends will participate in a worship sharing session on the topic to help meet a concern that they need consideration at a spiritual level. Clerks will be encouraged to have committee members discuss the change.
South Seattle Preparative Meeting (WA) is once again organizing a family camping trip for the weekend of the Sea Fair airshow, when Friends traditionally cancel their regular meeting forworship. This year, a Meeting family has generously offered the use of the land surrounding their cabin near Index, WA.
Santa Monica Meeting (Ca) recently approved three minutes. They are on Expanding the War in Afghanistan, Universal Health Care in the United States, and Health Care in the world. These minutes will be sent to Southern California Quarterly Meeting.
Santa Cruz Meeting (CA) approved allowing a couple to live in their van in the Meeting’s parking lot for three months
Peace and Social Order Committee of San Jose Meeting (CA) reports that the “Peace Now” banner is now held over a local freeway on the third Sunday of each month.
Sacramento Meeting (CA) facilitated their first same sex marriage.
Worship and Ministry Committee of Sacramento Meeting (CA) encourages Friends to prepare for worship before entering into the meeting room. “Enter into the Silence, then enter into the Meeting Room.” “Worship in process, prepare before entering meeting room.”
Palo Alto Friends (CA) are reading Robert Barclay’s Quaker Catechisms and Confessions of Faith which presents fundamental religious precepts of Friends in 1673.
Orange County Friends (Santa Ana, CA) are listing community resources, sharing skills and supporting one another through listening and shared meals.
Orange Grove Meeting (Pasadena, CA) will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first Meeting for Worship in the Orange Grove Boulevard Meeting House on Sunday, May 31st. There will be a display of old photos from the early years, music and singing and a birthday cake. All F(f)riends from near and far are cordially invited to join in this milestone celebration.
Newberg Friends Church (OR) will hold its annual celebration and blessing for graduating seniors on May 17, complete with live music, smoothies, dessert, a slide show and blessing.
Young Adult Friends of Multnomah Meeting (Portland, OR) gather in Worship on the second Sunday of each month. They attend to business between 4:30 and 6 pm, then settle into potluck dinner, moving easily between song and silence through the evening.
Multnomah Meeting (Portland, OR) Friends are being asked, “Are we still a dangerous people? What might yor answer say about the work of the Spirit in your heart?” Friends will meet Saturday, June 13 with facilitators Marge Abbott and Peggy Parsons to explore the spiritual qualities which once caused Quakers to be thrown in prison and legislated against as a danger to the realm.
Mountainview Meeting (Denver, CO), to foster better communication between its separate committees, will hold a meeting of the clerks of all committees multiple times this year. All committee members are urged to keep each other better informed, through the Meeting’s newsletter, written announcements, Business Meeting, and daily conversations.
“Women in Transition,” women of Grass Valley Meeting (CA) gather 4 - 5 times a year at someone’s home for a day to deepen their friendships and share their lives.
Eugene Meeting (OR) holds Meetings for Worshipful Inquiry where Friends learn to share their personal experiences of faith and practice. In May, Friends will be asked, “How to Abide? – How do I handle those times when the well has gone dry? What do I do when there is no ‘way opening’ or no ‘leading?’”
Worship and Ministry and Children’s Religious Education Committees of Eugene Meeting (OR) have developed a brochure clarifying the Meeting’s relationship with children in the meeting for worship. The brochure includes the reasons that children are included in worship, ways that parents can prepare their children for worship, and guidelines for behavior.
Delta Meeting (Stockton, CA) is a sponsor of the Modesto Peace Life Center’s Peace Essay Contest. Approximately 210 attended the Contest Awards Reception. This year’s assignment was to nominate a living person for Peacemaker of the Year. Friends noted it was nice to see students participate year after year and to see their growth.
Davis Meeting (CA) is holding discussions on topics such as “Affirmations for undoing old injuries—a step to forgiveness,” and “Sharing spiritual inspirations: What experiences and people have helped to shape your spiritual path?”
Corvallis Meeting (OR) has adopted a key policy for the Meeting House, establishing who should have keys.
Claremont Meeting (CA) contributed artwork to the “Building a world fit for Children” project through Church Women United.
Chico Meeting (CA) will hold monthly study and worship-sharing times around Plain Living: A Quaker Path to Simplicity by Catherine Whitmore.
Bridge City Meeting (Portland, OR) will share a picnic at a local park. At this time “old” committees will turn over responsibilities to “new” committees.
Boise Friends Church (ID) will hold a retreat at Quaker Hill with the theme, “Stop and Hear the Who…. Because a Friend is a Friend no matter how small. Friends are encouraged to apply for scholarships if needed and to contribute to scholarships is possible.
Bellingham Meeting (WA) maintains a presence at the Bellingham Saturday Market as many Saturdays as possible. Topics presented include war (no war), the environment and health insurance for all.
The children of Bellingham Meeting (WA) are collecting war toys for the purpose of being relinquished, in conjunction with other faith groups. The children will be making a peace dove with the collection.
Albuquerque Meeting (NM) will hold a Saturday afternoon workshop on “Vocal Ministry in the Tradition of Friends.”

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