Thursday, November 19, 2009

News from Western Quaker Newsletters
November 2009

During the Quaker Youth Pilgrimage, a program of Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC), Quaker youth (16-18) from all over the world form an intentional community and travel together for a month. This journey will happen in the Pacific Northwest next summer. The cost is $1300 and the application deadline is November 30th.
Is there a young person in your church or meeting who should have this life-changing experience? Contact me-, Bill Schoder-Ehri -, or the FWCC website,, for more information.

News of Friends Meetings and Churches

Meridian Friends Church (ID)
will host a Coffee Cup Coaching Seminar. Dr. Tony Wheeler from the Center for Strong Families will teach on how to offer encouragement to struggling families.
Mountain View Meeting (Denver, CO): “The purpose of the School of the Spirit is to provide Friends with a weekend experience designed to broaden our understanding of Quakerism, and enhance the spirituality of our Meeting. It provides an opportunity to bring seasoned Quakers from other parts of the country, thus connecting us to the broader Quaker community. The School of the Spirit Committee attempts to discern the needs of the Meeting as well as its interests when selecting programs.”
The CALM committee (Children and the Life of the Meeting) of Mountain View Meeting (Denver, CO) incorporated strategies to protect the community from child abuse: “1) teachers are required to attend the Meeting for a year before teaching in our First Day School; thereby giving all of us a chance to get to know them and 2) two adults are to be present with the children during any First Day School classroom activity.”
All are welcome to join Multnomah Meeting’s (Portland, OR) ongoing Energy Circle, continuing the practices introduced by John Calvi, Thursdays at the Meeting House.
Multnomah Meeting (Portland, OR) now has a Medical Library housed in the basement that contains the following items available for check-out: a wheel chair, a knee brace, a lower arm brace, 2 pair of crutches, a mobile bed pan.
Newberg Friends Church (OR) will hold a Service of Consolation, December 6th, 4:00 p.m.
Orange Grove Meeting (Pasadena, CA) agreed to schedule a time in a future business meeting to discuss the issues of the needs of persons appearing at Meeting asking for help (food, money, cooking facilities).
The Orange Grove Meeting (Pasadena, CA) Book Club held an engaging and illuminating discussion of WALDEN, by Henry David Thoreau.
The Phoenix Friends (AZ) Peace and Social Concerns committee invites Tempe Friends (AZ) to join in a potluck on November 22 following meeting for worship. Friends will be sharing food, watching a documentary, and discussing the AFSC recommendation for immigration reform number 1: Create Justice with Humane Economic Policies, from their list of seven recommendations for immigration reform.
On Wednesday evening, November 25th, Rose Drive Friends Church (Yorba Linda, CA) will hold its annual Thanksgiving Eve Service. Many people look forward to this unique service as their favorite church family gathering of the year. There will be times of thanksgiving, praise and worship through music, and shared testimonies. The elements of communion will be made available.
Rose Drive Friends Church (Yorba Linda, CA) will offer a three-part DVD lessons series, “The Purpose of Christmas,” at Wednesday night small groups. Friends are invited for lively conversation as they get to know new people and prepare to celebrate Jesus' birth.
Seven students in Nairobi, Kenya are currently attending school because they receive tuition and school supplies from Friends in Sacramento. Sacramento Friends Meeting (CA) funds one student, individual Friends support four students, and Sacramento Friends Church (CA) two students.
Sacramento Friends Meeting (CA) has started a fan page on Facebook as part of its Quaker Quest outreach.
Oversight Committee of Santa Cruz Meeting (CA) hosted a get-acquainted hour, centered around the queries: "What drew you to the Quakers?" "What concerns or questions do you have?" It was noted that the session was for anyone interested in attending, no matter how long they’d been part of the Quaker world.
Meeting for Remembering at South Seattle Preparative Meeting (WA) will take place on Saturday November 21, 2009 in the late afternoon at the Senior Center with a potluck to follow.
South Seattle Preparative Meeting (WA) will hold a special called meeting for business to decide whether to begin the process of becoming a monthly meeting.
During Second Hour at the rise of Meeting for Worship, November 15, a Tacoma Meeting (WA) member shared about the experience of simplicity and Quaker faith and practice. The presentation was in the style of the presentations done as part of Quaker Quest and a continuation of the Meeting’s work toward deciding if it wants to present Quaker Quest for the community.
Tempe Meeting (AZ) asks that the Finance Committee send out another request to Friends to pledge donations for next year, and Friends are asked to return their coupons stating their intended donations for 2010 as soon as possible, and revisit the budget for final approval during Eleventh Month.
Tempe Meeting (AZ) continues to consider the question of hosting homeless people at the Meeting. At business meeting, a heated discussion with some emotional outbursts ensued. Some were hurt by the meeting’s process, others frustrated or disillusioned; some may have left with a sense of relief that genuine concerns previously unspoken had been shared. Friends agreed to hold a threshing session for the entire membership and attenders at the rise of Meeting for Worship the following First Day, preceded by a potluck lunch.
University Meeting (Seattle, WA) is seeking vendors and shoppers for its Crafts Fair. This simple yet fun and well loved annual event will be held Sunday Nov. 29 from 10:30am until 1 pm.
Visalia Meeting (CA) will host Fresno Meeting (CA) the Fifth Sunday in November.
Becky Memmelaar from North Carolina has accepted the call from First Friends, Whittier (CA) to be their pastor. She will assume the ministry on January 1, 2010.
The Friends Choir of First Friends, Whittier (CA) will present The Creation (A Rock Cantata) by David Bobrowitz and Stephen Porter. This piece is a musical expression of the seven days of creation.
Wyoming Friends Meeting will gather in Lander, WY November 20-22nd.

Due to concerns about personal privacy and security Agate Passage Friends (Poulsbo, WA) agree that their minutes will not be posted on the web.
Albuquerque Meeting (NM) has created a new budget category called “Friends in Need” as distinct from “Sufferings” which has traditionally been used for a need resulting from a spiritual leading. The new category is intended for a variety of personal needs as they come up.
Bellingham Meeting (WA) gathers in rented facilities. Their library was removed without warning, packed in boxes and locked away, inaccessible to the Meeting for several weeks. Some of the library has reappeared on an old bookshelf. There are missing books.
Naming Committee of Albuquerque Meeting (NM) asked for clear communication if someone was going to be turned down for a nomination.
Berkeley Friends Church will hold its 2010 Quaker Heritage Day on Saturday April 10, 2010. Carol Spencer will speak on Holiness: The Soul of Quakerism.
Boise Valley Meeting (ID) is making arrangements with a professional tutor to work with a Friend’s grandchildren to bring them up to grade level in school subjects.
Canyon Hills Friends Church (Yorba Linda, CA) held a Child Dedication time during the three weekend services, November 14th & 15th.
Sergio Cardona, pastor of Canyon Hills Friends Church’s (Yorba Linda, CA) sister-church, Ministerio de Restauración Mahanaim, in Juárez, Mexico, recently spoke in all (3) Weekend Services. This Christmas, Canyon Hills will partner with this sister church to be a part of bringing real change into people's lives. Friends can help be a part of blessing the lives of the less fortunate families in Juárez this Christmas by signing up to sponsor a family.
The Student Ministries and Family Pastor of Canyon Hills Friends Church (Yorba Linda, CA) works with junior and senior high youth. As well as working with the youth, he leads PUM – Parents Unite Meetings to talk about what is going on in the student's ministry and some hot topic issues that are relevant to the parents’ relationships with their students.
Davis Meeting (CA) invites Friends to put Saturday March 13 in their datebook for the Meeting's all-day Quaker Quest workshop. Steve Chase, a gifted member of the Friends General Conference Quaker Quest Travel Team, will be leading the workshop, which is intended to help Friends develop "inreach and outreach".
The Florence Worship Group (OR) will meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in Florence; on the 3rd Sunday at the Senior Center in Coos Bay; and the 5th Sunday in Deadwood. For more info,
Grass Valley Meeting (Nevada City, CA) will have a “Hot Chocolate Day” after Meeting on Dec. 13th. Friends are to invite any kids and parents they know that might be interested in Meeting.
Grass Valley Meeting (Nevada City, CA) has altered Fifth Sundays. Songs will be geared a bit more toward children, with movements. Coloring will be available during the silence – “Color Your Prayer.” Adults are welcome to participate in the coloring!
Living Water Ministries, (Plummer, ID) a ministry point of NWYM, serves the people of the Coeur d’Alene Reservation in Plummer, Idaho. They recently held a “Spirit Jam” dance and music outreach.
Lower Columbia Worship Group (Seaview, WA) has scheduled a called meeting for business to discuss whether or not to join the Community of Welcoming Congregations and how that social justice witness might be carried out in the community.

More than one Meeting:
Several Meetings including Albuquerque Meeting (NM), Berkeley Meeting (CA), Eugene Meeting (OR), Multnomah Meeting (Portland, OR), Redwood Forest Meeting (Santa Rosa, CA) San Jose Meeting, University Meeting (Seattle, WA) are inviting Friends to dinner on Thanksgiving Day. Many other churches and meetings will have Thanksgiving events surrounding the holiday.

Beyond the Monthly Meeting/Churches

Alaska Friends Conference will hold Fall Quarterly in Anchorage from November 27 – 29, Thanksgiving weekend.
After the success of this year's Spirit Camp, where teens from Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting gathered with Alaskan teen Friends in Alaska, Ohio Valley wishes to return the invitation. At business meeting during the Fall quarterly gathering of Alaska Friends Conference, Friends will discuss whether to take OVYM up on its generous offer to host Alaska teens in 2010.
Christian Friends Conference will meet next on Dec. 12, 2009 at Berkeley Friends Church.
College Park Quarterly Meeting’s one-day Winter Quarter will be on Saturday, January 16, 2010, in Berkeley.
Evangelical Friends Church Southwest will hold Annual Conference and Serve Day:
Southern California – Representative Session and Equipping Community Dinner, Friday January 29, 2010; Serve Day, Saturday, January 30, 2010.
Arizona/Nevada – Serve Day and Celebration Banquet, Saturday February 13, 2010.
Northern California - Serve Day and Celebration Banquet, Saturday February 20, 2010.
Continuing Committee of Intermountain Yearly Meeting will meet January 8-10, 2010 in Tempe, Arizona, hosted by Tempe Friends.
Midwinter High School Camp of Northwest Yearly Meeting is a camp for youth and their friends in the middle of winter. It will be held at Quaker Hill (McCall, ID) from December 29, 2009 to January 1, 2010. It’s a chance for youth to catch up with old friends and meet new ones, worship, serve others, play games, and have a whole lot of fun. Information:
Angel Diaz, Latino Ministry Coordinator for Northwest Yearly Meeting, reports attendance at the yearly meeting’s Latino Ministry Points: 60 Newberg, 30 Greenleaf, 50 Caldwell, 30 Lynwood, 30 Vancouver First, 40 Reedwood, 25 Mcminnville, 20 North Valley Church, 10 Salem, 5 in Clackamas Park -- 300 people together.
The Immigration Ministry Team Update from Northwest Yearly Meeting includes the following vision: “We envision the ability of our citizen congregations in partnership with our growing number of Latino congregations to be able to provide the necessary and current information and trustworthy counsel about existing immigration laws and processes to pastors, church leaders, and those in the congregations, including their wider social networks, who are affected by US immigration policy.”
Meeting for Business of Pacific Northwest Quarterly Meeting agreed to an increase in the Quarterly Meeting assessment, beginning in 2010. The Meeting also agreed to continue the pay-what-you-can fee policy, including for those who register late. It was understood that the Continuing Committee, at its meeting in January 2010, will decide upon the amount of increase in Quarterly Meeting assessment for 2010, subject to review by Meeting for Business in April 2010.
The Pacific Northwest Quarterly Meeting Silent Retreat will be January 29-31, 2010 at Camp Huston in Gold Bar, Washington.
Pacific Yearly Meeting seeks fulltime Youth Program Coordinator to enhance the spiritual development and nurture of our pre-teens through young adults. Coordinator provides program support and coordination of youth activities; assists Monthly and Quarterly Meetings in engaging and educating their young people; develops an infrastructure that brings Friends together as a faith community; and provides a role model experienced in Friends' worship and practices. Frequent travel required. Expenses reimbursed. $18 an hour plus overtime, starting with two-weeks' vacation, holidays, sick leave and benefits. Quaker meeting membership required. By January 12th email letters of interest and résumés to Lanny Jay at
The Proposal for revitalizing Pacific Yearly Meeting Representative Committee and strengthening the voice of Monthly Meeting through their representatives includes the proposal that the Representative Committee (REPCOM) of the yearly meeting assume responsibility for acting on more of the business of the yearly meeting.
Western Friend will hold a BOOK PARTY at the Multnomah Meeting House (Portland, OR) on Sunday, November 22, 5-7 p.m. to celebrate the recent publication of Enlivened by the Mystery: Quakers and God.
Western Young Friends New Year’s Gathering will take place at Cazadero Arts Camp in Northern California, December 28, 2009-January 2, 2010.
Willamette Quarterly Meeting will gather for its annual business meeting on February 6, 2010 at the Corvallis Meeting House.

FWCC Website
Look at for information about the Section of the Americas.

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