Monday, February 22, 2010

Western Quaker Newsletters February 2010

Friends Meetings and Churches

2nd Street Community Church (Newberg, OR) has helped create a city-wide program to support recovery of all kinds. Celebrate Recovery is a recovery plan based on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.
Jack Parkinson is the interim Student Ministries Director at 2nd Street Community Church (Newberg, OR).
“Quaker Sojourns,” the first hour program of Agate Passage Meeting (Poulsbo, OR) is an opportunity to learn more about each other and to nourish conversation about how travel can nourish values and beliefs.
Albuquerque Meeting (NM) unites that it will make every attempt to keep the library door open and available from 10:00 – 10:30 and from rise of meeting to 12:00, on First days.
Albuquerque Meeting (NM) is holding a study group on Samuel Bownas. About eight people have indicated interest and the organizers would love to have more participants, especially among those relatively “young” to Quakerism.
Anthem Friends (ID), a church plant in the Hayden Lake area of North Idaho, was approved at Northwest Yearly Meeting 2009.
Apple Seed Meeting (Sebastapol, CA) plans to hold a threshing session on whether or not to look for other Meeting locations? Questions include: “What would the goals of any move be? What are the pros and cons of moving?”
Berkeley Friends Church (CA) will hold its 2010 Quaker Heritage Day on Saturday April 10, 2010. Carol Spencer will speak on Holiness: The Soul of Quakerism. There will be three sessions:
“Early Quakerism: A Radical Holiness Movement” “19th Century Revivalism: Love It or Hate It?” “Holiness, Mysticism & Modernism: A 21st Century Synthesis”
Canyon Hills Friends Church (Yorba Linda, CA) has added new staff: half-time Equipping Pastor for Adult Ministries, Carlos Lopez; half-time Junior High Director, Calvin Sodestrom; Audio-visual Coordinator, Randy Castner; Nursery Coordinator, Katy Castner; Worship-Leader Assistants, Joyce Wheeler and Blake Mendenhall.
Casa de los Amigos (Mexico City, Mexico) has opened its doors to Haitian refugees including a family of four, a couple, and a family of three.
The Coeur d’Alene (ID) Ministry Point exists to build bridges to those who have walked away from traditional “church.” Bruce and Leann Williams provide leadership.
The Adult Religious Education Committee of Corvallis Meeting (OR) has heard a need from the Meeting to discuss how the Meeting connect to our greater community. This broad theme may incorporate modes of outreach, as well as other ways of connecting to, and defining ourselves to, our community.
Corvallis Meeting (OR) is seeking ways to allow interaction between adults and children, and to make children feel more involved in the meeting. They could create a poster, make planter boxes, garden and donate produce. Perhaps a first hour that includes children (Not silent!).
Delta Meeting (Stockton, CA) is organizing old records to put together a history of the Meeting. Friends would like to at least put together significant dates in the history of the Meeting, and track the movement from Tracy to Modesto to Stockton.
It was suggested to Delta Meeting (Stockton, CA) that with all the good cooks in the Meeting, they include a tab to post Recipes on their website.
Fresno Meeting (CA) has agreed to join the website, a location for the gay and lesbian community to find religious connections where they are accepted.
Grass Valley Meeting (Nevada City, CA) is considering a proposal to split Hospitality and Outreach Committee into two committees. Hospitality Committee is the Meeting host. The committee is responsible for the Meeting's Christmas Party, memorials, initiating and coordinating Friendly 8's, etc. Outreach/Greeters committee is focused on visitors to Meeting for Worship, essentially, making visitors feel welcome and offering Outreach to the community as it is indicated.
Young adults from Hayden Lake Friends Church (ID) traveled to Portland in January to work with Bridgetown Ministries to demonstrate Christ’s love by reaching out to the homeless. The trip created a sense of renewal and energized the young adults to serve in the Hayden Lake area.
Iglesia Amigos El Altar en Boise (The Altar Friends Church) (ID) is the newest church plant of Northwest Yearly Meeting. Jorge Sileoni is the pastor.
La Jolla Meeting (CA) notes: The Christmas Eve candle light worship was, as usual, wonderful. It's the only time of the year that most Friends actually use the front door!
La Jolla Meeting (CA) Adult Religious Ed has started a "women's meeting" with about 20 interested women.
Lynwood Friends Church (Portland, OR) hosts Friends Community Playgroup as a service to local Moms. The Playgroup has two goals, to increase learning and provide support. Moms have a chance to talk about various family related issues in a safe and supportive environment.
Quaker Quest Training will be held at the Mountain View Meeting House (Denver, CO)
on Saturday, April 10, 2010.
Mountain View Friends (Denver, CO) will explore stories and ideas at an Introduction to Faith and Play Workshop on Saturday, February 27. Susan Bailey, who was trained in the Faith and Play stories and practice at Pendle Hill, will begin the morning with a story demonstration. The workshop will continue with issues ranging from creating an experience of wonder and awe to the nuts and bolts of teaching Faith and Play in the classroom.
Marge Abbot will lead a series on Quaker history and practice at Multnomah Meeting (Portland, OR) on three Sundays in February. Topics include: Quakers Over Time; Listening For The Still, Small Voice –in Meeting For Worship & In The Conduct Of Business; and Engaging With The World –Friends’ Witness –Equality, Peace, Truth, Simplicity, & Care for The Earth.
Newberg Friends Church (OR) will be the host site for Newberg’s first Adult Health Day. The social hall will become the “waiting room” as patients wait to see a doctor. A variety of health services will be offered for those without insurance coverage. Newberg Friends will brew/serve coffee, “host”/escort folks to their exam room, and pray. The NFC parish nursing team will do blood pressure checks and help facilitate the day.
Newberg Friends Church (OR) is reorganizing a Global Outreach Task Force with the goal of helping more people at the church connect the hand and the heart in support of the many ways that God is at work in the world.
David and ?Debbie Thomas who serve with Evangelical Friends Mission in Rwanda, will be at Newberg Friends Church (OR) late 2010/early 2011 as missionaries in residence.
North Valley Friends Church (Newberg, OR) has written a Minute on Immigration. It begins: “The community of faith known as North Valley Friends Church in Newberg, OR seeks to value and reach out to persons of all races, cultures, and social classes. …. We believe there is a need for reform of the current immigration system. We recognize the complexity of the issues surrounding immigration, the importance of national security, and the need for humane treatment of persons caught in the dilemmas of the lack of legal documentation. We see these as moral, as well as spiritual issues...”
The Clerk of Orange County Meeting (Santa Ana, CA) sends reminder notices each Wednesday for the upcoming Sunday's events, and adds any other announcements received.
Orange County Meeting (Santa Ana, CA) notes that in the next two months, its major task will be to find a new meeting site. Friends are looking for a place to lease, or to share with a compatible group, and the whole meeting is asked to help in search. The Meeting is working with a real estate agent, and is hoping to locate in Santa Ana, Costa Mesa, Tustin or the general area.
The ad hoc Fundraising Committee of Orange County Meeting (Santa Ana, CA) plans to hold a garage sale to raise money for philanthropic causes the Meeting supports. Friends are asked to do their spring cleaning with an eye toward items that can be donated to the sale.
As a part of its proposed guidelines for extending financial help to members, Orange County Meeting (Santa Ana, CA) has developed a Policy Document which says, “No member or regular attender of Orange County Friends Meeting will ever be prevented from full participation in Meeting activities because he or she cannot afford it.”
Minute approved: “Pima Meeting (Tucson, AZ) asks that the Finance Committee define the purpose of our financial reserve, and the amount of the Meeting’s average operating expenses with details, and from this, suggest an amount for our financial reserve of about one year’s expenses.”
Pima Meeting (Tucson, AZ) agreed that there is a problem with noisy people, and that the Meeting needs to have standards set for the Meetings. The Ministry and Oversight suggestions, such as gathering the space by 9:50 a.m. for worship at 10:00 a.m. by closing the doors to the Meeting Room, were approved.
Parents who wish to dedicate their children at Rose Drive Friends Church (Yorba Linda, CA) are required to attend a Parenting Class before the dedication.
Rose Drive Friends Church (Yorba Linda, CA) will hold its Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, February 28. Jim LeShana will update Friends on the state of the church. Friends will have the opportunity to exercise their membership, get an inside view of future plans, and make decisions that will impact the life of RDFC, including approval of the annual budget and a review of committee and ministry reports.
Sacramento Meeting (CA) has developed a policy regarding earmarked donations. Policy: – Sacramento Meeting may receive earmarked donations supporting any line item in the Meeting’s current approved budget. Sacramento Meeting may also facilitate earmarked donations to causes or purposes that are not line items in Meeting’s budget, after these have been approved by Meeting or its Finance Committee. The goals and activities of approved recipients must be consistent with the corporate purposes of Sacramento Friends Meeting, and must be known to Friends active in the Meeting.
Each month, Finance Committee of Sacramento Meeting (CA) reports on one organization to which Meeting sends an annual contribution. This month, Jim Updegraff reported on Friends House Moscow.
Salt Lake Meeting (UT) has agreed to replace the floor in the Meeting House basement. This will happen sometime in April or later and will affect the children’s program, the kitchen and AFSC as everything will have to be moved out of the basement.
The Kitchen Remodel Subcommittee of San Francisco Meeting (CA) has scheduled a second hour worship sharing session. Friends will consider queries: “Whom do you envision using the kitchen and how are they using it? How does a kitchen create, support, and enrich the San Francisco Meeting Community?”
San Jose Meeting (CA) collects Newsletters from other Friends Meeting and places them in a binder which can be found on the coffee table in the Brinton House living room.
QuakerMen of Spring Valley Friends Community Church (CA) gather once a month on Saturday mornings at 7:00 a.m. for grace, breakfast, devotionals, a financial report, and then chore lists and assignments. Doing the work of caring for the church themselves is a sacrifice of sweat and a time to God and saves the congregation some money as an added bonus.
Strawberry Creek Meeting (Berkeley, CA) recently held its annual Listening Meeting on the State of our Meeting with the query, “What have been the main strengths and shortcomings of Strawberry Creek during the past year, particularly in terms of our spiritual health as a Meeting and how well our committees and other activities have contributed to the life of the Meeting?”
Tacoma Meeting (WA) is considering its committees. It was noted that while the name “Intellectual and Spiritual Pursuits Committee” may seem whimsical, it does reflect the intended work of the committee. The Meeting notes that the work of the Peace and Social Concerns Committee is important, but its membership has dwindled. The Meeting will hold a Second-Hour threshing session on the Peace and Social Concerns Committee.
The Finance Committee of Tempe Meeting (AZ) was looking for a report of the membership total, either from Counsel and Oversight Committee, or from the ad hoc committee (clerk, treasurer and the convenor of C&O) established by Meeting for Business to discuss how to determine actual participating membership. The need for the realistic count surfaced during the budget review process; assessments paid to both IMYM and AHYM are based on membership.
Tempe Meeting (AZ) has 57 members on record as of January 2010.
On Saturday evening February 27th at 7PM at University Meeting (Seattle, WA) Rayahn Samati will lead a discussion and present information on the Woolman Semester (Nevada City, CA) for interested teens and their parents. The Woolman Semester is a program that is available for high school juniors, seniors or those in their “gap year” after high school to study peace activism, social justice and environmental sustainability.
Whittier First Friends Church (CA) hostrd Quaker Forum on February 20th. Earlham College Professor Tom Hamm spoke on “California Quakers: Community, Controversy, Connection.” Facilitators from Earlham School of Religion led a discussion on “Lessons from the Past; Insights for the Present.”
Joyce Ajlouny, Director of the Friends Schools in Ramallah, Palestine visited Whittier First Friends Church (CA) early in February.
Whittier First Friends Church (CA) has a new carpet in its Fellowship Hall because individuals and friends made special contributions to cover part of the cost.

Beyond the Monthly Meeting/Churches

The Alaska Friends Conference Ministry and Nurture Committee has been tending a leading to offer a Spiritually Nurturing Retreat, Spring 2010, a weekend residential retreat. The current theme is “Tending the Spiritual Taproot of our Yearly Meeting individually and collectively.” Possible venues are in the Talkeetna area or the Wasilla or Chugiak area.
Alaska Yearly Meeting churches recognize the importance of ministering to youth in order to give them firm grounding in the faith and alternatives to drinking and suicide which are prevalent among native youth.
Arizona Half-Yearly Meeting will hold its Spring gathering March 27, 2010 at the Phoenix Meeting House with the theme, “Strengthening and Deepening the Work of our Committees.” On Saturday night, the Phoenix Meeting House will be transformed into a coffee house for acoustic folk music.
Barclay Press will celebrate 50 years of publishing ministry among Evangelical Friends in May.
Ben Lomond Quaker Center and Western Friend announce their first collaborative program, Rightly-Ordered Financial Management for Friends' Meetings and Organizations. It will take place at Ben Lomond Quaker Center on March 5-7, 2010.
College Park Quarterly Meeting will gather May 15-16 at Ben Lomond Quaker Center.
College Park Quarterly Meeting Youth, 5th – 9th grades, are invited to a weekend retreat, March 19-21, in Palo Alto, CA.
The Colorado Regional Meeting will be Sunday, April 18 at Fort Collins Meeting, CO with the theme, “How Quakers Have Fun.”
Intermountain Yearly Meeting (IMYM) will be held June 9-13, 2010, at Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, NM, with early program days on June 6-9 The theme will be "Quaker Service in the 21st Century."
Continuing Committee of Intermountain Yearly Meeting decided to remove the $24,000 budget item for the Joint Service Project and reduce the assessment to $35 per member. Continuing Committee could not come to unity on whether to include any support for service in the 2010 or 2011 budgets. It decided to propose that the Annual Gathering in June form a committee to investigate future Yearly Meeting service possibilities.
Montana Gathering of Friends (MGOF) will meet Feb. 19-21, 2010 in Great Falls, MT with the theme “Integrity.” At Business Meeting Friends will discuss “The Future of MGOF,” – considering the health of the meetings and the relationship with North Pacific Yearly Meeting. Information:
The New Mexico Quaker Women’s Spring Retreat will be held April 3 to 5th at the
Norbertine Retreat Center in southwest Albuquerque. The theme will be “What do we bring to our communities and what do we get? How do we create and maintain this community?”
Northwest Yearly Meeting will gather at George Fox University for worship, business, and visioning on July 25-29. The keynote address by Superintendent Colin Saxton will be on Sunday and the Outreach Rally will occur on Monday.
Northwest Yearly Meeting has a Facebook page. It features daily postings from local church sites, as well as updates about NWYM ministries. Friends are invited to leave comments or join in the dialogue.
Northwest Yearly Meeting Men’s Retreat will be February 19-21 at the Quaker Hill Conference Center, McCall, ID. Colin Saxton will speak on the theme “Living a Balanced Life.”.
Northwest Yearly Meeting Men’s Retreat will be February 26-28 at Twin Rocks Friends Camp with the theme, Living Purely in a Sex-Driven World. Speakers include Gar Mickelson, Marshall Snider, Dr. Terry Riske, and Jason Minnix.
The 8th Pacific Northwest Quaker Women’s Theology Conference will take place June 16-20, 2010, at Seabeck Conference Center in Seabeck, Washington. The theme is Walk With Me: Mentors, Elders, and Friends.
Pacific NW Quarterly Meeting Spring Gathering is scheduled for April 23-25, 2010, at Lazy F Ranch near Ellensburg with the theme “Compassionate Listening: Finding God in the Midst of Fear.” For more information, see
Pacific Yearly Meeting Representative Committee (RepComm) will meet on Saturday, March 5th at Orange Grove Meeting.
Southern California Quarterly Meeting will gather at Orange Grove Meeting in Pasadena, CA on Saturday, April 24th.
The Western Association of the Religious Society of Friends (WARSF) will meet February 20th following the afternoon sessions of Whittier First Friends Church’s Quaker Forum.
The Willamette Quarterly Meeting Men’s Retreat will be February 26-28 at Camp Myrtlewood near Myrtle Point, Oregon.
Willamette Quarterly Meeting Spring Gathering will be April 23-25 at Sky Camp, east of Eugene, Oregon.

FWCC Website
Look at for information about the Section of the Americas.

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