Monday, November 24, 2008

News of Friends Meetings and Churches
Boise Friends Church (ID) has begun its Indoor Park, a parent-supervised program for preschool children. It runs November to March and provides indoor play space when the weather is too cold for the children to play outside. The program is run by Boise Friends Church volunteers.
Boulder Meeting (CO) publishes brief descriptions of Meeting Committees in its Newsletter. Friends are welcomed to visit committees, contact conveners, and then are invited to sign up in January for service from the following May-April.
Chico Meeting (CA) is considering an annual Open House, possibly in February during the Season of Nonviolence.
Glendora Friends Church (CA) is beginning its Advent adventures with “The Big Party, Pastor Bruce Butler’s sermon on Isaiah 9:1-7. After the service, Friends will share a potluck luncheon of their “favorite things.”
La Jolla Meeting (CA) suggests the corner by the coat tree for those who wish to remain in a worshipful state after announcements.
Missoula Meeting (MT) is considering alternative forms of worship and group activities. It was noted that the neighborhood around the Meeting House has qualities that would make it suitable for worshipful walking activities.
Multnomah Meeting (Portland, OR) is considering a minute on immigration which includes the statement: The world should move toward becoming a global community that safeguards human rights and guarantees the economic opportunity of all people in their country of choice.
Multnomah Meeting (Portland, OR) Friends are urged to think of the Meeting when potting or repotting plants. Even though Spring is a long way away, Friends are urged to keep the Meeting’s Spring Plant Sale in mind.
Newberg Friends Church (OR) will offer a Service of Consolation on December 14 for those who at times find Christmas events overwhelming.
The Clerk of Palo Alto Meeting (CA) met with committee clerks and representatives with the following query: “We hope for a sense of community and common endeavors, with the expectation of sharing the work of the meeting. What binds us (the Meeting) together? What do you or your community hope will be Meeting involvement in your committee’s work or with the movement or organization you represent? How does your committee build relationships beyond First Days?
Pima Monthly Meeting (Tucson, AZ) is seeking a Resident Caretaker to live in a small one-bedroom apartment in the meetinghouse and interact with the Meeting’s fellowship.
Redwood Forest Meeting (Santa Rosa, CA) has adapted a “Four Bucket” system of dishwashing to hygienically wash the dishes and not waste water.
Reedwood Friends Church (Portland, OR) has a support group for Friends who have divorced.
Salmon Bay Friends (Seattle, WA) are presenting an evening with Peterson Toscano and his zany, heartwarming characters in his one-person show. A comic actor and theatrical performance artist, Peterson thoughtfully and humorously explores queer issues.
Santa Monica Meeting (CA) is wrestling whether or not to resume having a fire in the fireplace. This practice had been stopped due to concerns about environmental pollution and global warming, However, many consider a fire to be a valued addition to worship as there are spiritual and emotional aspects of hearth and fireplaces.
South Mountain Meeting (Ashland, OR) is pondering if it is a small Meeting or a medium-sized Meeting? Is the “small-Meeting” mindset getting in the way of progress in the Meeting? Friends ask, “Are we limiting ourselves by the way we look at ourselves?”
South Mountain Meeting (Ashland, OR) holds a monthly Winnowing Session. Topics include global climate change ideas, landscaping concerns, and the revision of NPYM’s Faith and Practice.
South Seattle Preparative Meeting (WA) is developing a brochure to give to people new to South Seattle Preparative Meeting and/or to Quakers. The impetus came from a woman who attended Meeting then left in the middle of worship. Friends wonder if she would have stayed if she had something to read which explained Quaker worship?
Tacoma Meeting (WA) is considering its Meeting-caretaker relationship with questions such as: who should pay for health insurance? Is the Meeting satisfied with hiring a caretaker who does not have another source of income? Is the Meeting willing to value a caretaker’s interests that don’t produce income to the extent that the Meeting pays a stipend sufficient to meet basic needs?
Tacoma Meeting (WA) will do care packages for the Meeting’s college/university students, probably in January or February.
Women from Tempe Meeting (AZ) meet to plant a metaphorical garden—meeting on a regular basis so women within the meeting can get to know one another better.
University Meeting (Seattle, WA) approved that 11:00 a.m. on second Firstdays be the Meeting’s regular time for Monthly Meeting, starting with unprogrammed worship.
Friends at First Friends, Vancouver (WA) are making a church cookbook.
Friends at First Friends, Whittier (CA) are “Stuffing the Bird” with Thanksgiving food items for families who need a little help. Friends are to look for the Turkey in the foyer which holds food donations but also comes equipped with its own pocket for holding checks.
Members of First Friends, Whittier (CA) recently brought the message at Sunday worship. Dottie Andersen asked “What is that in your hand?” Kings 4: 1-7, and Lynda Ladwig suggested “Love one another.” I Corinthians 13.

More than one Meeting/Church:
Meetings are noting end of calendar year finances and predicting whether or not they will receive enough contributions to get through the year.
Many Meetings and Churches are holding Thanksgiving meals, some on Thanksgiving Day itself, others on the weekend before or after.

Deaths noted in Newsletters
Cecilia Alvarado Kirkman, La Jolla Meeting
Rebecca Valdivia, La Jolla Meeting
Ruth Allen, Redwood Forest Meeting (Santa Rosa)
Joyce Tappan, Redwood Forest Meeting (Santa Rosa)
Larry Wolf, San Jose Meeting

Bob Monroe, University Meeting (Seattle)
(I apologize to University Meeting that I wrote Bob Monroe’s name incorrectly last week.)

PS. Personal note:
I know it seems a bit crazy to have just bought a “new” car and not use it, but that’s pretty much my plan. (My “new” 1986 Volvo wagon) I did use my car last week to pick up granddaughter Sophie from preschool and take her to a park where we had a great time talking with ducks.
Last weekend I rode Greyhound and then a small bus line to Florence, Oregon on the Oregon Coast to visit Charlie and Jeanne Kimball of the Florence Worship Group. And I did get an opportunity to worship with the Worship Group on Sunday morning. It was a very satisfying time.
One thing about the ocean is that its color varies so much, depending on the light. On our first walk, in brilliant sunshine, the ocean was a deep, deep blue, turning to aquamarine as the waves smashed against the brown-black rocks with incredible force and plumes of white froth. The next day was overcast and the ocean at best a steel gray, with hints of blue.
I think the brightly colored day seemed even more special because as a dyed-in-the-wool web-footed Northwesterner I am used to gray days. I see the beauty in them; I love them. The bright days? They are a gift.


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